bad insulation

Is it Cold in Here? 5 Signs Your Home Has Bad Insulation

If you’re buying a new home, the condition of the existing insulation is extremely important. Unfortunately, it’s something many people overlook.

A poorly insulated house is less energy efficient and more likely to be uncomfortable during the winter months. A house with no insulation will have a number of other problems, including heavy strain put on the HVAC system. That’s why state and local codes require a certain amount of insulation for new builds.

However, when either buying a home or remodeling, you may not be sure if it’s time to have the insulation replaced.

Here, we’re going over five signs you’re dealing with bad insulation.

1. High Energy Bills

One of the biggest tell-tale signs of bad insulation is a boost in energy bills. This is especially apparent during cold winter months.

Compare your current bill with last year’s. If there’s a drastic increase, your insulation is probably letting the cold air in and the warm air out.

This is causing your heater to work double-time. If you have a strong central heating system, you may not even notice. But you will when you see the bill at the end of the first cold month of the season.

2. A Quick Touch Test

An easy way to determine if your home is well insulated or not is to perform a quick test.

When the temperature drops, touch the walls, ceiling, and floor of your home. If they feel cold or damp, it may be time to replace the insulation.

If everything feels warm, that means your insulation is doing a good job of keeping warm air in.

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3. Temperature Fluctuations

Another sign you may have an insulation problem is frequent fluctuations in your home’s indoor temperature.

When the insulation in your attic is old or has shifted, more cold air is getting in. This makes it harder for your HVAC system to properly regulate the temperature.

You may also notice cold drafts during winter months. This is another indication that cold air is entering your home.

It may be time for attic insulation removal and replacement. To learn about the process, read more here.

4. Pests Infestation

Insulation not only protects your home from cold air, it keeps unwanted pests out.

During the winter months, insects and rodents seek shelter from the cold wherever they can. Attics are one of their favorite spots.

If you notice more insects than usual, or you discover larger critters like rats, squirrels or raccoons taking residence in your attic, you probably have bad insulation.

5. A Leaky Attic

If your insulation is old or has shifted, there’s a good chance rainwater will make its way into your home.

Once the water gets into the attic, it won’t be long before it starts causing water damage to ceilings and walls. You need to address this immediately, as water damage is costly and can result in mold growth.

Don’t Let Bad Insulation Cause Problems

Ensuring your home is properly insulated protects you from a number of other problems. It also saves you money on energy bills and possible repairs down the road.

Use the tips discussed above to discover if you have bad insulation. It may be time for an upgrade.

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