Bad Smelling House

Why Does My House Smell Bad? This Is What You Need to Know

Most of the time, people don’t realize what their home smells like. But if you’re sitting there and you detect an off odor, or worst yet you’ve had people come into your home and comment on a smell then you’ve got a problem!

If you’re asking yourself why does my house smell bad, then you’ll want to keep reading to figure out what the culprit is.

Why Does My House Smell? The Common Culprit

The most common answer for why does my house smell is usually the trash. 

Garbage smells. Whether you have day-old meat or fish packaging, maybe you recently cleaned out your fridge.

Or your garbage leaked into the can previously and now it’s playing host to a colony of mold.

Whatever the cause, your garbage is likely stinking up your house.

To effectively remove odors, you’ll want to empty your trash regularly and clean out the garbage can whenever there’s any wetness at the bottom to prevent mold from forming. 

How Are Your Pipes?

Did you know that build-up, clogs, or hard water in pipes can create a stinky house? 

Hard water typically has a sulfuric smell like rotten eggs and can leak out from the pipes. A water softener can help alleviate this problem and remove that egg smell.

Build up and clogged pipes can also create a smell in your home. Usually, if there’s a build-up of hair, grease, or even food in your drain pipes can ferment, mold, and cause your home to smell.

Clean out those drains with a plunger and a dissolving mixture to get rid of the build-up and remove the smell. 

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How Is Your Humidity?

Our final common stink culprit to help you answer why does my house smell is checking the humidity in your home, especially the basement.

It should come as no surprise that humidity creates the perfect moisture environment for mold and mildew to grow, and these things smell. We’re sure you know exactly what we’re talking about when we say that dingy basement smell and that smell can permeate into the rest of your home.

Best way to combat this? Check if your home thermostat allows for humidity control and invest in a good dehumidifier for the basement. This will help pull the moisture out of the air and prevent those stinky things from forming.

Identifying Why Does My House Smell

If you’re asking yourself why does my house smell, it’s time to get to the bottom of what the smell is. We hope this guide will help you to identify what it is and where it’s coming from to help you get rid of it as soon as possible!

Be sure to air our your home after any cleaning you end up doing as a natural scent refresh. 

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