Dock Safety

Preparing For Winter: How to Make Sure Your Dock is Safe

Owning a boat is a big responsibility. After all, there’s plenty of upkeep involved in keeping it clean and safe.

The same is true of owning and maintaining a boat dock. That’s right, even a boat dock needs to be cared for in order to prevent dock damage such as wood warping.

If you’re looking for tips to help prepare for winter and protect your dock from freezing temperatures, you’ve come to the right place for answers. This article takes a look at keeping your dock secure regardless of what Mother Nature throws at you. Keep reading to get the inside scoop. 

Clean the Dock

The first step in preparing your dock for the cold winter months is to clean it thoroughly. This means wiping down each section, removing any sections that you can, and making certain everything is dry before placing it in storage.

Keep in mind that your dock will be easier to clean before the weather turns cold. You could wait until spring, by then deep stains could have set in and be much harder to scrub away.

It’s also important to store the sections of your dock somewhere secure and dry.

Remove Accessories and Fixtures

You might not be able to remove sections of your dock. If so, that’s fine. The key is to remove anything you possibly can, including accessories and fixtures that could be damaged by freezing temperatures or severe weather.

These items include ladders, dock furniture, ramps, lights, storage containers, and removable railings. 

Once removed, be sure to store them in a dry area where they’ll be safe and secure until warm weather returns in the spring.

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Apply De-Icer

You’re also going to need to invest in a quality de-icer. Using a de-icing product or bubbler are also known as aerators. These products are the key to minimizing the formation of ice patches on your dock.

How do they work? They basically aerate the water, creating movement that can help the amount of ice that builds up.

Be sure to check out this de-icer for use on your dock.

Detach From Shore if Possible

The best way to prepare your dock for winter is to remove it from the water. This obviously isn’t possible in every situation, but keep in mind that removing it from contact with the water will help preserve it in the long run.

Tighten All Screws and Bolts

It’s also important to understand that fluctuating temperatures can cause screws, bolts, and nails to become loose. Thus you should take the time to inspect all fasteners before the arrival of winter.

Attach a Safety Line

A safety line will prevent your dock from floating away in the event it becomes detached from the shore. You don’t need anything fancy, thus a simple waterproof rope or chain will do just fine.

A Boat Owner’s Guide to Keeping Your Dock Safe as You Prepare for Winter

Keeping your dock in top condition will help it last for many years. Fortunately, these tips will help you prepare for winter and reduce the odds of ice damage.

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