Get a New Roof

Top 3 Most Common Reasons to Get a New Roof

In the life of a house, there comes a time when you need to ask yourself, “do I need a new roof?”.

Obviously, this isn’t a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing. Getting a new roof is an intimidating prospect for most homeowners due to the considerable investment involved. But sometimes, the question of whether roof replacement might be your best option becomes undeniable.

Maybe you’ve experienced a recent storm that resulted in a damaged roof. You’ve noticed that some of the shingles are missing, cracked, or curled. Or it could be that you’re wondering if it’s already too old and worn.

To help with your decision, consider the three main reasons for roof replacement below.

1. Significant Roof Damage

Roof damage can manifest in many ways. For example, weather damage can cause the shingles to curl or cup upwards or even get blown off the roof, leaving bare patches. A leaky roof may show up as water spots on the ceilings and walls.

If you have extensive water damage, you may spot mold, fungi, or moss growth on surfaces that don’t get much sunlight. So not only should you worry about structural damage, but you should also be concerned about the potential health risks.

In general, the point where a roof replacement is your best course of action is when more than 30 percent of your roof is damaged. If it’s less than that number, you can still opt for partial reroofing. However, please note that partial reroofing jobs may cost a lot more on a cost per square-area basis.

2. A New Roof to Replace the Old Roof

How old is your existing roof?

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Depending on the material, some roof types last longer than others. Asphalt shingle roofs have a useful lifespan between 15 and 30 years. A metal roof can last between 40 and 70 years, while clay tile and slate tile roofs can survive up to 100 years or more.

Of course, roofing companies will only offer warranties that are appropriate to the roofing material’s lifespan. Also, living in an area with harsh weather can result in the roof’s premature aging.

Replacing the roof makes sense if you know the history of your roof and discover that it’s nearing the end of its life. More so if it’s already showing its age. As a bonus, you can get a better warranty and a more energy-efficient roof.

3. Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal and Resale Value

One of the most visible components of any house is the roof. If you intend to sell your home, you’ll be doing yourself a favor if you get a new roof. Not only will it increase the curb appeal (and thus the resale value), you might need it anyway to pass inspection.

You can attract more home buyers if you let them know that the roof is new. Realize that a home buyer will also know that roof replacement is no walk in the park, taking into account the time and money investment. If they see that they don’t have to worry about that for decades, then you have a better chance of closing the deal.

Protection Under One Roof

When you can no longer depend on your current roof for protection, that’s the time to get a new roof. That is to say, replace your roof if it’s old, has sustained a lot of damage through the years, or if a fresh roof is needed to sell your home.

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