Get Rid of Bad Tenants

9 Sneaky Ways to Get Rid of Bad Tenants

Dealing with problematic tenants is the most challenging aspect of being a landlord. Finding a person who properly cares for your property and consistently renews their lease is scarce. Yet, tenants must be bearable.

It means they must make timely payments, adhere to the rules and respect your rental agreement. As a landlord, you will sometimes meet a horrible tenant who lacks decency and respect. However, since eviction is a costly and lengthy process, you may want to avoid it.

Instead, you may opt for some sneaky ways to get rid of bad tenants. Here are the nine quick sneaky ways to get these tenants out of your property.

1. Raise the Rent

Raising the rent is the best way to get rid of bad tenants. However, you cannot increase the rent on a fixed-term agreement before it lapses. You can only do so on a periodic lease contract.

It implies the automatic renewal of tenancy every week or month. In such a case, you may raise the rent every month to evict the problematic tenant. Research the legislation governing property leasing in your state.

Some states limit the amount of rent you can raise at a go.

2. Don’t Renew Their Lease

If the lease term for your tenant is about to expire, then you can avoid renewing it. Understand your area laws, or you’ll have to justify the non-renewal. Mostly, you send a polite notice, written professionally, noting that you are not renewing the lease.

Appreciate the tenants for their time explaining your move-out procedures. Ensure they understand how to ask for their security deposit. Give the tenants prior notice if you won’t renew the contract.

You can give them a one-month notice, two or even three months, depending on your location.

3. Negotiate

A tenant may have been paying rent on time, but their current financial condition is unfavorable. They are unable to make timely payments now. Please try to negotiate with them.

The tenant may be undergoing too much pressure already due to their inability to clear the rent. You can assist lessen the stress by agreeing on a payment plan. You may, for example, allow the tenant to pay the rent in small amounts over the month.

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As such, you assist them in buying time until they are financially stable. During the bargaining process, don’t forget to talk about eviction. In so doing, you will create a sense of urgency in them.

4. Help Them Find a New Place

If you want bad tenants out of your property soon, help them find new housing. Showing them the benefits of a new property might persuade them to move out. It’s a tiresome method as you’ll have to walk around, but it’s worthwhile.

Make inquiries about affordable residential arrangements in your neighborhood. Make introductions and ensure you give the correct information about the questionable tenant. Otherwise, you will ruin your professional image.

5. Try Cash for Keys

If your tenant cannot pay and is unwilling to leave, then you’ve got a situation. You are most likely to settle for eviction. However, you can attempt to buy them out as a last resort.

Cash for keys means you offer the tenant money so they can return your keys and depart. It saves you from going through the costly eviction procedure. Moreover, they’ll have money to start somewhere else.

Sometimes you may feel like this method allows the bad tenant to escape the crime. You may oppose the notion as it seems terrible. Yet, you don’t want to be stuck with the problematic tenant.

6. Threaten Them With a Lawsuit

Your tenant could be conducting illegal activities in the flat, but you have no proof. You can threaten them about the outcome if you uncover evidence. Be cautious to stay on the right side of the line while using this method.

Find a friend who is an attorney to draft a threatening letter to your tenants. Warn them about filing a lawsuit if they fail to stop their illegal behavior. That could be enough reason for them to vacate before the fight begins.

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7. Hire a Property Manager

Impressing some tenants is just tricky, no matter how hard you try. It’s better to delegate the responsibility to another person. You’ll have more free time, which will help you avoid much stress.

Finding the right rental property management is critical and worth the investment. While managing your rental property, they collect rents, do tenant screening, and so on.

8. Find Evidence of Illegal Activity

You can gather pieces of evidence to prove unlawful activities on your premises. The system always favors tenants, but the law will be on your side for criminal behavior. However, be cautious about how you obtain such proof.

Landlords have the right to property inspection, but you must inform your tenants about it. It gives tenants time to conceal any evidence. You may also visit an apartment to do repairs.

If you discover proof of unlawful conduct while there, use it against them.

9. Turn Off the Utilities

Lack of utilities might irritate any tenant, forcing them to vacate your rental. You can switch off the HVAC system, making the circumstances within the apartment unbearable. It works mainly during winter.

However, this approach may burst your pipes if you stay in very low-temperature areas.

Learn the Sneaky Ways to Get Rid of Bad Tenants

Managing bad tenants can be difficult, and it is harder getting them to leave. You shouldn’t allow terrible tenants to stay on your premises if they violate the lease terms. The idea is to assess your circumstance and develop sneaky ways to get rid of bad tenants.

Examine the laws of your state and see if you can convince them to vacate by themselves. Otherwise, you can evict the bad tenants.

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