5 Telltale Signs You Should Call Pest Control Immediately

Did you know an average of 100 different species of bugs live in your home? Many of these bugs are pests that can cause trouble. 

If you think you might have pests inside your home, there are a few different signs to look for. These will help you determine whether you should call pest control.

This guide will discuss some of the most common signs of pests. Keep reading to learn more.  

1. Animal Droppings 

You should contact a pest control company if you find droppings throughout your home. You likely have a pest infestation if you find droppings in your pantry, garage, basement, or crawl spaces. 

The size and shape of the droppings can help you determine the kind of pest you might have. Elongated droppings are left behind by mice. Insect droppings look more like small, black dots. 

2. Damage in Your Home 

If you’re surprised by structural damage in your home, you’re likely dealing with a pest infestation. Termites leave holes in your wooden structures. You should contact pest control services as soon as you find signs of them. 

Other kinds of rodents can leave scratches and bite marks on furniture or wiring in your home. Electrical issues can put you and your home in danger, avoid this issue by eradicating the pests. 

3. Sounds Late at Night 

Rodents tend to search for food at night. If you notice any strange noises coming from your basement or attic while you’re trying to sleep, this might mean you have a rodent infestation. 

Scurrying inside your walls or roof is often a sign of rats. Flapping might mean you have an insect problem in your home. A trained pest control team will know how to handle any rodent that’s taken up space in your home. 

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4. Strange Odors

While you might notice different odors in your home after cooking or cleaning, pests bring specific odors with them. Recognizing these will help you determine the type of pest infestation you have. 

An oily smell means you’re dealing with roaches. If the air in your home smells like ammonia, there might be mice living in your walls. A musty smell means you have bed bugs in your mattress or other furniture. 

5. Signs of Nesting 

Pests will create a home inside your home by setting up a nest. If you find signs of this, the rodents might be starting to multiply. Rodents might use paper and fabric scraps to build their nest in a dark area of your attic or basement. 

The best pest control company will know how to handle these types of pests and prevent them from returning. You can learn more about the services they offer before giving them a call. 

These Signs Mean You Should Call Pest Control

You should call pest control if you find these signs of pests in your home. Animal droppings and strange odors mean you’re dealing with an infestation and need help getting rid of the pests. 

Check out some of our other home-related blogs to learn more about keeping your home pest-free.