woman in outdoor shower

Tranquil Waters: Do Water Features Increase the Value of Your Home?

Imagine sitting on the back deck with a cool ice-tea in your hand. Relaxing after a long day and listening to the relaxing flow of water. All in your very own backyard.

There are benefits from having your own personal oasis in your backyard. In fact, there are significant health benefits from spending time in nature. 

But, what about our wallets?

Water features look good, but can they add to the value of your property? Here are the pros and cons of adding home water features to your yard.

Types of Home Water Features

Wondering what types of water features are available? Here’s a quick rundown of different features you can add to your yard. And for even more options, check out Living Water Aeration

Natural Pools

Natural pools are basically a large hole in the ground that has been lined. Pumps and filtrations systems are needed to keep the water clean. 

If you want to spruce up your natural pool you can add a fountain or a waterfall. These add the soothing sounds of running water, plus they will cover up the sound of the pump. 

These pools are some of the easiest water features to install.

Wall Fountains

Wall fountains are ideal of those who are limited on space. These fountains stand vertically and have a basin that catches and circulates the water. 

These are available in do-it-yourself kits that are simple to assemble, or you can pay for a costume fountain. 


What kid wouldn’t love a stream in their back yard? 
Streams are great for large yards and are often used in addition with natural pools. And when decorative grasses and rocks are added, streams are a great way to make your yard feel more natural. 

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Pros and Cons of Water Features

If you are seriously considering a water feature for your home, here is a list of pros and cons that will help you make a final decision.
Pros of having water feature include:

  • Added beauty to the property
  • Creates a focal point
  • Unique landscaping that will stand out
  • Many different options available

And the cons are:

  • Added maintenance of liners pumps and pipes
  • Can attract pests such as mosquitos and raccoons
  • Added expenses

Increase of Value

But, the real question is, will they add value?

In truth, it’s hard to say. That’s why we would tell you to consider your neighborhood.

If you live in a neighborhood where the homes and yards are bigger, a water feature can help set your landscaping apart. If the water features are well taken care of and maintained properly, it can be a great selling point.

But, for some buyers, especially those with small children, water features can be seen as a hazard. 

If your home and yard is smaller, we say keep the open real estate for a game of pick-up soccer rather than installing a water feature.

You Get to Choose

So, at the end of the day, you get to decide. If you want to add home water features, go for it. After all, it’s your house and your space.

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