Leaking Roof

This Is What You Need to Do If Your Roof Is Leaking

Is your roof leaking? Nobody ever wants to find that they have a leak in their roof but if you do it is important that you handle the problem immediately. You don’t want the leak to create further damage to your home. 

Keep reading to learn what to do if your roof is leaking and how you can prevent further issues. 

Grab a Bucket

If you discover that you have water dripping on the floor in your home, then the first thing you should do is grab a bucket or some other type of container to catch the water leaking from the ceiling.

The sound of dripping water hitting the bucket might get repetitive after a while, so you might want to place a board inside the container. The water will then hit the board and deafen the sound. 

Next, you should figure out where the center of the leak in the ceiling is. Usually, you will be able to see a bulge from where the water is gathering. Take an object, such as a screwdriver, and puncture a hole in the center of the bulge. This will allow the water to drain out easily and relieve the pressure the water is creating on your ceiling. 

If the water is allowed to accumulate for too long the pressure on your ceiling will start to sag and can even cause it to collapse. 

Find the Leak

Your next step should be finding where the leak is originating. Water will travel downhill and take whatever routes are necessary until it finally gathers in the location you have found it. This means that where the water is leaking into your room might not necessarily be where the leak is at in your roof. 

The easiest way to track down the source of the leak is by entering the attic or crawl space in your home. You should go under the eaves of your roof during the daytime and shut your lights off. This will help you see if there is any sunlight that is streaming through a crack or hole. 

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If you can’t find any obvious signs of damage from inside your attic or crawl space then the next thing to try is the water-test method. While you are still inside, have someone else help you by going out on the roof and using a hose spray the roof down in small sections. The water will begin to leak inside again and you will be able to locate it from inside. 

Call a Professional

Once you have located the source of your roof leak you should inspect the area to see what the problem is. There are many roof leak solutions that might be simple to fix on your own, such as a clogged gutter or flashing that needs to be replaced, but usually, the problem is much more severe and requires professional help. 

Even if the exterior leak seems like a small problem that can be handled by yourself you should seek help from the professionals. There are several factors that need to be considered when repairing a leak from the type of shingle being used to the pitch of the roof. There is also the additional damage that was caused on the inside of your roof and the ceiling that will need to be repaired. 

Lay Out a Tarp

Once you have located the leak and called a professional service to help repair the problem, you might not be able to receive an appointment that same day. You should lay a tarp as a temporary measure to protect your roof from the elements and from causing more damage. 

If you are able to safely climb up on the roof, a heavy tarp, or plastic sheeting, should be laid out over the area. Start by covering the impacted area at least four feet away from the leak and if possible pass it over the ridge of the roof and down the opposite side.

Next, place some 2×4 planks of wood on each side to weight the tarp down. In order to make sure the tarp remains securely in place, folder it back over each plank and then, using a staple gun, fasten the tarp to the wood.

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Ideally, the plank below the leaky area should rest on either a fascia board or an eave to help keep it in place. The other plank should have a third piece of wood placed over the board and then anchor it down with nails to help secure the tarp. If you are concerned about wind, you should place additional planks along the perimeter of the tarp. 

Prevent Additional Leaks

After the professionals have fixed or replaced, your leaky roof you should take some steps to prevent it from happening again. Start by keeping your gutters and downspouts clean.

A clogged gutter and downspout will cause the rainwater to collect and eventually seep upwards under the eaves along your roofline and into your home. Using a garden hose you can rinse the debris out and install gutter guards for protection against further problems.  

If you have trees that hang over your home, you should hire a service to trim back branches or remove the trees entirely. Falling branches can puncture a hole into your roof or low hanging branches can scrape against your shingles and cause deterioration over time. 

Learn More Today About What to Do If Your Roof Is Leaking!

If your roof is leaking the first thing you should do is grab a bucket and put it under the drip. Then, you should poke a hole in the center of where the water is pooling up to let the water flow out and avoid further damage to your ceiling. 

Next, try and get up under the eaves of your roof during the daytime to see if you can find the leak by looking for light shining through your roof. If you can’t tell this way, have a friend go on the roof and spray water on different sections to see if you can find where it is entering. You should then call a professional to help you fix the leak and your ceiling. 

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