Real Estate Brokerage

What Does a Real Estate Brokerage Company Actually Do?

If you’ve ever set foot in the real estate industry, you know there are many roles involved. From appraisers to inspectors to agents, it can be enough to give you a headache if you’re just trying to sell your home.

However, there are few roles that earn as much confusion as real estate brokers. Even if you end up working with a real estate brokerage company, you may find yourself wondering, “What is a real estate broker, anyway, and what sets them apart from agents?”

If you’re not sure how these professionals can help, you’re not alone! We’ve put together a simple guide to tell you what you need to know.

The Difference Between a Real Estate Broker vs. Agent vs. Realtor

More than likely, you’ve heard the terms broker, agent, and Realtor thrown around when it comes to buying and selling houses. Some people even use these terms interchangeably. However, there are some nuances between these entities, so it’s worth paying attention.

Let’s start with real estate agents. An agent is an expert with the ability to represent you in real estate transactions, like buying or selling your home or commercial property. They have to be licensed by the state they work in.

Real estate brokers, on the other hand, have more training than an agent. They’ll oversee some of the more technical parts of a sale as needed, and they can even start their own brokerage firms and hire real estate agents to work under their supervision.

Last is the term “realtor,” meaning someone who is a member of the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Both real estate agents and brokers can be called “realtors” only if they belong to this organization.

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What Does a Real Estate Brokerage Company Do?

Under the guidance of its real estate brokers, a brokerage company offers a host of specialized services.

These duties can include the basic duties of a real estate agent.

For example, a broker may work on behalf of a seller to list a home, supervise home showings, or deliver and explain relevant documents. Working with buyers, they may find properties being shown, coordinate inspections, or assist with closings.

However, some of a broker’s responsibilities may go beyond these duties, especially if they’re working as a supervisor over other agents.

For example, they may offer marketing services for their agents, or they may even construct a brokerage website like that of this real estate firm. Because they’re responsible for legal compliance and agent performance, they might do things like verify licenses or provide training. They’re also responsible for recruiting agents and managing their office operations.

Find the Right Real Estate Professional to Help

Whether you’re buying or selling a home or commercial property, it’s important to have the right help. Finding a good agent who works under the umbrella of a reputable real estate brokerage company can be a lifesaver. Do your research in your area, and find the right partner today!

Looking for more of the real estate tips you need to succeed? We have plenty of insights in our other posts, so check them out for more helpful info.