Exterior Home Improvements

3 Exterior Home Improvements to Consider Before Your Home Sale

We’ve all learned more about our homes in the last year due to the sheer abundance of COVID lockdowns.

Whether you’re now aware of the number of cracks in your living room ceiling, or how outdated your kitchen has become, it might be time to consider a home sale.

Of course, you’ll want to keep in mind the growing fears over house prices dropping since the start of the global pandemic. Therefore, you must take advantage of all the exterior home improvements you can do, which has a direct effect on your home price.

Keep on reading for the top three exterior home improvements ideas which can hike up your asking price, and increase your profit.

1. The King of Exterior Home Improvements: Painting and Home Decor

We can’t talk about home improvements to your property’s exterior and not talk about the power of paint.

Giving your home’s exterior a new splash of paint, as well as some fresh wallpaper, carpeting, and drapes will transform your house, without costing you a fortune.

Keeping your home decor isn’t only great for appealing to prospective buyers, but it’ll make it a lovely place to live until you can sell the place.

2. Give Your Lawn and Driveway Some Love

Did you know that well-landscaped houses can sell for around 5.5% to 12.7% more than other homes of similar qualities? It can actually add up to 28% of your home’s overall value.

If you’re lawn and driveway is looking a bit rough, start by placing a border along your driveway. It can be made of pavers, stone, or brick. This will give it a bit more life.

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However, you’ll want to pay some attention to your green space. If you have a grass lawn, make sure it’s well-maintained and inviting.

Also, if you have some extra funding for your home exterior’s makeover, you can add trees and shrubs for an instantaneous boost in your home’s appeal.

3. Fix Your Roof and Wash Your Windows

You might have thought that decor is all you need to focus on, however that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Your home’s hardware, like your roof, your valor gutter guards, and your windows will need some care as well.

Most prospective buyers will look at your windows and your roof, and make a solid first-impression about your home’s maintenance. If those are looking really rough, that can cause some significant damage to your profit.

You’ll want to either give them a good round of maintenance, a fresh coat of paint or even completely replace them if they’re falling apart.

Ready to Jump Into the World of Real Estate?

We know that most homeowners are still nursing their wounds from the home buying process. But, sometimes you find an opportunity in the market for a home sale that will boost your finances, and you might be hesitant to take that step.

So we hope our little list of the top three exterior home improvements took some of that first-timer fear of selling a property. However, there’s so much more where that came from.

You’ll want to check out our ‘home sellers and realtors’ section for all the tips and tricks you could need.

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