Rodent Infestation

Did I Hear Something? 5 Telltale Signs of a Rodent Infestation in Your Home

Did you know that rats, mice, voles, and other rodent-like creatures can come into your home without you even knowing? A rodent infestation can be stressful and costly to handle if you don’t catch it in time.

If you’re worried that some creatures have come into your home and want to know what to look for then you’ll want to keep reading.

1. Holes and Chewed Things

The most obvious and visible sign that you have a rodent infestation on your hands is noticing chew marks on some things and holes in your walls.

If you are seeing holes along your walls and chew marks on them and even your cables then there’s likely not just one but a few rodents making themselves comfortable in your home.

Contact a company like immediately to get them in to help with rodent control.

2. Droppings

Another tell-tale sign of a rodent infestation is seeing droppings around your home.

Typically, the droppings can be found in corners, along the wall, and even in the backs of cupboards. Rodent droppings will also typically look like grains of rice but in shades of brown and black.

There are dangerous health concerns when it comes to rodent droppings which is why it’s important to get rid of your rodent infestation as soon as possible.

3. Allergies

Oftentimes people will develop allergies when they have a rodent infestation.

This can be anything from coughing and sneezing more often than usual, to having a fever to contend with. It’s important to identify a rodent infestation because rodent allergies can become severe and life-threatening in some cases. 

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If seasonal allergies are ruled out, get a professional exterminator in to take a look at your home.

4. Your Cat or Dog Acting Weird

Cats and dogs will act weird if there’s a weather change or some kind of natural disaster event but did you know they will also alert you to a rodent infestation?

If you’re noticing your pets are acting abnormally and there isn’t a clear reason, it might mean that you’ve got some rodents in your home to contend with. Perform a check for any other signs, and get an exterminator in for a second peak. 

5. Noise

When you’re laying at night do you hear scratching and squeaking noises coming from your walls or ceiling? Chances are you have a rodent infestation on your hands.

Rodents like mice like to stay in the walls because the insulation keeps them warm. It’s why you’d hear those scratches and squeaks at night when they’re most active. 

Make note of the sound and see if it’s recurring for a confirmation that you have rodents.

Catching a Rodent Infestation Fast

Catching a rodent infestation is important to keep your home’s structural integrity and healthy environment in place. Look for signs like holes, droppings, and noises for an obviously visible sign while making note of any changes in your home.

Always be sure to call a professional exterminator to take care of your rodent infestation quickly and efficiently.

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