Flood Insurance

4 Major Benefits of Buying Flood Insurance

There’s a loud blaring on your TV screen that interrupts your regularly scheduled programming. Your area is under a hurricane warning. You shrug it off and go about your business as normal.

Your hometown gets these warnings all the time, but nothing ever happens.

Except, this time, something does happen.

By the end of the night, you’re ankle-deep in water. That’s a lot when you consider that even an inch of moisture can do a serious amount of damage to a home. You’re starting to wonder if you should have gotten flood insurance when you opened up your regular homeowner’s policy. 

The answer here is always yes. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of insuring your home against floods.

1. Floods Aren’t Covered Under Basic Insurance

Many people are under the misconception that flood damage is covered under their regular homeowner’s insurance, but they can’t be more wrong. There aren’t many policies that take care of it. 

So unless you want to get caught off guard like in our example above, you’ll have to go through a private flood insurance company to get coverage.  

2. It’s Affordable if You Don’t Live in a Flood Zone 

Isn’t taking out a separate insurance policy expensive? You would think so, but it’s not. If you live outside of a flood-prone area, most companies can slap it on with your normal home insurance for a small fee. 

Sadly, if you do live in a flood zone, you’ll have to pay a little more, and it will be required of you. You can go here to find out more about the cost of insurance.

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3. You’re Not as Safe as You Think

If you live outside of a danger zone, do you really need the best flood insurance? The answer is a big yes. 

Every time a bad storm blows through your area, there’s always a chance that you’ll end up ankle-deep in water. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s enough to do some serious damage to your home. It’s better to be prepared. 

4. Protect Your Loved Ones

When and if your home floods, your family won’t be able to enter for a while. There are too many dangers present. High amounts of water can weaken the building’s structure and there are electrical hazards to worry about. 

While flood insurance won’t grant you temporary housing, for the most part, you’ll be able to get your home fixed up, at least. Once the danger has passed, your family will be able to move back in like nothing happened. 

Getting Flood Insurance Is a No-Brainer 

You may never have to use your flood insurance policy, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Disaster can strike at any minute. Protect your family and precious belongings by talking to your local insurance company today. 

Believe it or not, opening up a policy can help you sell your home later. It shows buyers that you care about the house and that it’s well taken care of. Check out our blog for a list of other ways to increase your home value.