Buy New Windows

5 Signs You Need to Buy New Windows

Upgrading windows can bring a lot of savings to your home, but how do you know when it’s time?

You might look at your windows every day, but they’re surprisingly easy to overlook. They’re also an expense that you might not worry about until it’s too late. Luckily, we’re here to help you know when it’s time to replace them with new windows.

Read on for five tell-tale signs.

1. Difficult to Open

Though this is typically associated with wooden windows, difficulty opening can happen no matter what material your windows are made from. Instead of dealing with the struggle or writing it off as something to take care of later, pay closer attention.

This is a sign of aging windows and it could mean yours are ready to be replaced.

2. High Energy Bills

In older homes — especially those with single-pane windows — this problem is especially common. If you don’t have an older home but notice sudden increases in your energy bills, that could mean it’s time for new windows.

Contacting a windows and door replacement company can help you lower your monthly energy bill. Whoever you call can also help figure out what kind of windows would best suit your home.

3. Leaks and Condensation

Not all condensation is bad when it comes to windows, but if you have double pane windows and you notice it building between the two panes, then that is definitely a cause for concern.

It means the seals on your windows have probably failed, and this could even mean you’re going to see higher energy bills if you haven’t already.

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The same goes for leaks during rain or storms. If you notice these things happening, it’s time to have your windows looked at.

4. Noise

Newer windows are great at providing noise cancellation. If you can hear a car coming down the street, or you feel like you can never find peace and quiet, a window replacement can fix that issue right away.

Energy-efficient windows, in particular, are great for solving this problem.

5. Drafts

If you’re standing next to your closed window on a windy day and suddenly feel the breeze upon your face, it’s time to have your windows looked at. This can point to air leaks around the window frame itself, which isn’t good for keeping unwanted temperature changes out of your home.

If you need help testing this theory, grab a candle or a stick of incense and hold it up to the window. If the flame or smoke moves as the wind blows, you’ll know you have an air leak.

Ready For New Windows?

Now that you’ve learned about five of the biggest signs that you need new windows, are you ready to make the change? Not only is it going to make your home quieter and more energy-efficient, but it’s also going to allow in more light!

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