Moving Tips

3 Moving Tips for When You Have a Lot of Stuff

Moving is a very stressful time for everyone involved. The biggest obstacle that you might face when it comes to moving is having so much stuff that you just don’t know where to start. It’s essential to your sanity that you stay organized, stay on schedule, and stay calm. 

In this guide, we will discuss some moving tips for navigating the mess and reducing your stress when you have a lot of stuff. 

1. Start as Soon as Possible

As soon as you know you’ll be moving, get started. Plan out tasks and put them on the calendar. Make checklists of what should get packed together and what needs to go into a separate box. 

Start packing things that you know that you won’t need until you get to the new house first. Even if you can’t put them in storage, you might consider packing them in a storage area or a low-traffic area of your home for the time being. 

2. Get Rid of What You Can

Downsizing is the way to go. When you are moving with a lot of stuff, you might consider getting rid of all the things that no longer serve a purpose for you or your family. It will help you to organize clutter and move with less hassle.

Make four piles for different items: Keep, Sell, Donate, and Throw Away.

Of course, there are going to be things that you can’t part with. Those things can join you on your move. For items that still have a lot of life in them, consider donating them or selling them if you don’t think they will fit into the decor of your new home. 

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Consider a dumpster rental if you think you are going to have a lot of things to throw away. If it’s broken (or on its way to the garbage can in the near future), it can be thrown in the dumpster. 

3. Hold On to Your Essentials

The best tip for moving (regardless of how much stuff you might have) is to keep the things that you will need for your first night/day in your new home with you. Pack your “essentials box” up the night before the move and put them in the vehicle that you will be in during the move.

This is ideal for anyone moving a long distance where they will be exhausted when they make it to the new house. It’s also great to prepare for the possibility that the movers won’t make it to the house when you do, especially if they break down or get lost. 

Have a Lot of Stuff? Don’t Worry!

Having a lot of stuff will not make this move impossible. Prepare for your fresh start as soon as you know for sure that you are moving. Don’t be afraid to get rid of things that you just don’t need anymore.

Make sure to check out our other posts for more tips on moving!