Hard Water Area

Buying a Home In a Hard Water Area? Read This!

What is hard water, and should you be worried about it? Hard water refers to the mineral content in water, and how dissolved these minerals are. Specifically, the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium that a measure of water contains.

The harder water is, the higher the amount of dissolved minerals it has. There are a number of different areas within the US that are prone to hard water. If you’re moving to one, there are some things you will need to be aware of.

So, what US cities are located in a hard water area? There are several, however, the top 10 are Indianapolis, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, Phoenix, San Antonio, and Tampa. If you’re moving to one of these cities or any hard water area for that matter, read on.

Hard Water Problems

So, what’s the deal with hard water anyway? Is hard water bad, and soft water better? In a nutshell, yes, it is.

You see, there are certain problems that hard water can cause, that soft water won’t. For example, hard water can prevent soaps and detergents from doing an effective job of cleaning.

Hard water can also, over time, cause deposits and the build-up of minerals inside pipes and boilers. In some cases, depending on the hardness of the water, it can even corrode metal pipes.

It’s also a problem for many people because of what it does to their hair. The minerals in hard water cause a film to form on top of the hair, making it difficult to clean it properly. Studies have found that hard water can even cause damage to hair.

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The good news is, hard water isn’t dangerous to drink. It may taste slightly different and look cloudier than other types of water. But studies have shown that it’s safe and even possible beneficial to drink water with high concentrations of these minerals.

Hard Water Solutions

If you’re moving to a hard water area, you may be worried about the effect that it will have on your plumbing, your hair, or your taste buds. If you are, don’t worry, there are several simple solutions you can install in your home to mitigate the problems hard water can cause. 

There are many different types of treatment options available. Some of the most common include ion exchange water softeners, electric water conditioners, and, for taste purposes, even a regular water filter.

The above solutions can help to stop your pipes from corroding, your hair from being damaged, and your water from tasting and appearing unusual.

Moving to a Hard Water Area?

If you’re buying a home in a hard water area, the above solutions are things that you should seriously consider. They can help prevent damage to your pipes and plumbing over time, and negate the need for costly repairs and replacements. If you’re looking for more helpful home sips, see the rest of our content now.