Residential Painting Myths

Debunking the Most Common Residential Painting Myths That Exist Today

Did you know that the number of home remodeling searches doubled from the year 2020 to the year 2021 in the United States of America? A huge part of the home remodeling industry is painting, and there are a number of myths out there that might keep you from reaching out to your local painting company for help.

While you might think that you can tackle your residential painting project on your own, a smart homeowner will consider every option and look at the benefits that come with hiring someone to do the professional painting in the home for a home remodeling project.

The good news is that you’re in the right place to learn about the biggest myths surrounding the painting industry. Keep reading to learn more.

You Don’t Need a Primer Coat

There is a myth in the painting industry that you don’t actually need a primer coat when you’re undertaking a home remodeling project. Cutting out the primer coat would save both time and money but it isn’t the best approach to take if you want professional painting that will last for years to come.

The primer coat has an important role to play because it allows your paint to end up looking smooth and professional once you start adding the main color. Skipping the primer coat will leave your residential painting looking cheap and it will take away from your home remodeling project.

The primer also plays an important role when it comes to helping the additional coats of paint that you’ll get on your walls. The primer is meant to help bind those additional layers of paint to your home’s walls so that the paint lasts for a long time.

Using a Primer Means No Sanding Necessary

Another common myth that surrounds the painting industry is that you don’t need to sand down your walls if you’re using a primer. That couldn’t be further from the truth if you’re looking to get a paint job that looks perfect. You could use the best primer that money can buy and you’ll still want to use sanding methods to make the painting as smooth as possible.

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The best primer won’t stick to your wall if it is greasy or uneven. The sanding process is vital to getting the best residential painting from your local painting company. Don’t skip this step if you want your home to look pristine when the home remodeling project is finished.

Always Apply Two Coats

Applying two coats of paint sounds good in theory but it isn’t always the best approach in this day and age. The idea that you should apply two coats of paint applies to the old days of the painting industry when the paints that got used were much lower in quality.

If you make sure to apply a primer coat to your walls then one coat of paint should be more than enough for that perfect look inside your home. If you’re painting over a dark color and you choose not to use a primer then you should consider using two coats in order to prevent the dark color from showing through. Hiring painting contractors is a great route to take if you’re worried.

Painting Your Ceiling Makes Rooms Look Small

Some people believe that painting your ceiling will make the rooms in your home look much smaller than they really are. Interestingly, painting your walls a light color and going with a dark ceiling is a sure way to make your rooms look much larger and homey.

It is a great way to create an illusion of having high ceilings if your home’s ceilings are a bit on the lower end of the spectrum.

Dark Colors Make Rooms Look Smaller

Similar to painting the ceiling, people will advise you to avoid using dark colors when painting your home because of the myth that dark colors make rooms look smaller than they are. The biggest factor that makes a room look big or small is the way that you go about decorating it.

The colors of your walls and ceilings change the appearance but it doesn’t alter the perception of size and space within the room. Think about hiring an interior designer if you’re worried about decorating your rooms to make the most of the space you’re working with.

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Avoid Painting Your House if You’re Selling

You need to ignore the myth that there is no point in painting your home if you’re planning on selling in the future. It is a waste if the home that you’re selling is a project or a fixer-upper. If your home is move-in ready then you should invest money into painting the interior. It is a sure way to add more value to the home.

Make sure that you choose neutral colors when looking at the best options for painting the inside of your home. Neutral colors create a new and fresh appearance that the new homeowners will love and have an easy time making their own. You need to make sure that you invest in painting if your home features old and outdated colors.

You Don’t Need Professional Residential Painting Services

While it is true that you can paint your home on your own, you’ll get much better results if you hire professional residential painting services. They have years of experience and will make sure that the results look perfect. In general, smart homeowners know that they don’t have the right experience or tools to do the job well.

You’re better off investing that money in paying someone who has the right tools and knowledge to add the perfect finishing touches to your home remodeling project.

Hire Residential Painting for Your Home Remodel

Residential painting is difficult if you don’t have the experience or the tools needed to do a great job. Make sure that you remember to sand the walls and use a primer coat if you want a smooth and professional appearance for your home remodeling project. You should also remember that you don’t need to apply two coats if you’re using quality paint.

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