Important Things That You Must Do Before Actually Selling Your Home

We’re seeing unprecedented changes in the real estate market, and smart homeowners are weighing the pros and cons of selling. We’re in a seller’s market the likes of which haven’t been seen before. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to sell your home, it has officially arrived. 

Despite all of the news about homes going for well above the asking price, simply putting your home on the market won’t be enough to sell it. If you want to get the best price possible, there are a few things you need to do first. 

If you’re planning on selling your home, make sure you take these crucial steps.

Consider Timing 

We know that the market is incredibly hot, but sometimes even the friendliest seller’s market might not be worth the headache. Before you jump headfirst into selling your home, take time to think about whether this is the right move for you. 

It may take longer than you’d think to sell your current home or find a new place to live. Other obligations around work, family, and friends can make a move complicated.

Sit down and write a list of pros and cons about moving right now. If you find that you have more downsides than benefits, you may want to wait for a more convenient time to move. 

Research the Market 

Do you know how popular your neighborhood is in the local market? Are you aware of the average price for homes in your area? What about the average price for homes with your square footage and number of rooms? 

Doing some market research before you commit to selling your home can be helpful in a variety of ways. It helps you gain an understanding of your local market and can also set reasonable expectations around pricing. 

Luckily, you don’t need to be a realtor to do research on your own. Simply pull up local real estate listings and start looking for homes within a five-mile radius of yours. Don’t just focus on price, see how long homes have been on the market as well. 

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Also, take a look at local realty blogs to see what the pros have to say about your area. Real estate blogs can give you tons of helpful tips and insight into your local market. People in Arizona would just need to read this article to learn about some of the hottest neighborhoods in one of the fastest-growing cities in the state. 

Determine Your Must-Fix Items 

Unless you’re planning on listing your home as-is, it’s safe to assume that you’ll have to do some work to make your home as appealing as possible. There are some small things you can do to improve the look and feel of your home (more on those in a minute), but there could be some bigger improvements that can take much more time and money to handle. 

Now is a great time to call out plumbers, electricians, and other trade experts to take a look at your home. They can help you identify any major issues in your home and can help set you up for the best home inspection possible. 

Leaky faucets and a new outlet or two can be easily handled. A brand new plumbing system or re-wiring the master bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen can cost you. Some of these problems can cause homes to fail inspections. They may be expensive to fix, but they’ll need to be done before you can list your home. 

Pay Attention to Curb Appeal 

Plenty of people focus on getting home interiors perfect, but the way your home looks on the outside can make or break a home sale. Some charming outdoor elements like stone walkways or ponds can help prospective buyers fall in love with your house. Broken window shutters and a lawn filled with weeds can make an otherwise beautiful home look terrible. 

You don’t want to make a bad first impression on potential buyers. Take time to spruce up the outside of your home so you can wow people as soon as they see your house. 

Small improvements like new house numbers, potted plants on the porch, or even a new door color can make a nice impression on people. Keep your lawn mowed and weed-free to give your home a neat look. If you don’t have much of a green thumb, you may want to consider hiring a landscaper or gardener to get everything in shape. 

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Declutter and Redecorate 

Don’t make the mistake of cleaning like you’re doing your regular chores.  Selling your home will definitely call for deep cleaning before you start doing showings. Shampoo your carpets, dust as much as possible, and scrub every inch of the bathroom and kitchen. 

Now is the perfect time to declutter your home. Clutter can make homes look unattractive and make it difficult for people to envision themselves in your house. Throw out what you don’t need and organize your things so they look good. 

A new coat of paint and a mirror in the room can really improve the look without having to put in much effort. Doing these kinds of quick wins can help make your room look great. 

Get Plenty of Pictures 

Visuals matter a lot when you’re selling your home. In today’s modern real estate market you’ll need plenty of pictures of your home for digital listings and social media posts that can promote your home. 

Some people snap a few pictures with their camera phone and call it a day. If you consider yourself an amateur photographer feel free to take pictures on your own! People that have less experience with the camera may want to hire a professional to take pictures. 

Selling Your Home Made Easy 

Being in a seller’s market doesn’t mean that selling your home is a done deal. There’s plenty you have to do to get your home ready for buyers. Luckily, the information we’ve covered here will set you up for success from the beginning. 

Do you want to know more tips for sellers? Are you interested in learning more about real estate? Keep browsing our site for all things related to real estate so you can master the market.