large house from front

5 Guidelines for Staging Your House Without Spending a Fortune

You don’t need expensive home renovations to sell your house. Enticing the perfect buyer is easy with the right staging tips.

Staging is crucial for your open house and pictures. It can attract or repel potential buyers.

Consider what buyers want to see in a house. They look for cleanliness, function, and potential. You can cater your home to shoppers with a few changes.

Luckily, even the smallest budget can afford these staging ideas. Keep reading for five tips on staging your house on a budget.

1. Hide All Personal Items

Visitors that attend your open house want to be able to envision themselves in your house. They want to picture making their own family memories.

Your personal pictures and sentimental items prevent them from envisioning that. They make the house seem like it still belongs to someone else, despite being on the market.

Hide all your pictures and knick-knacks away in a drawer. Replace them with flower vases, candles, and neutral art.

2. Clean Like Cinderella

This might be the most important staging tip for your open house. Nothing turns a buyer off more than seeing other people’s dirt and grime.

Since hiring a cleaning service can be expensive, do it yourself. Make yourself a checklist of all the spots you need to hit. It should include:

  • Floors
  • Walls
  • Ceilings and fans
  • Cabinets and counters
  • Baseboards

Other spots we often forget to clean are the window sills. Ensure these as well as air vents and blinds are dust-free.

3. Boost Curb Appeal

Before buyers can even see your decluttered rooms, they assess the curb appeal. The exterior of your home should look welcoming, safe, and clean.

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Start by giving your house a deep exterior clean. Exterior house washing goes a long way in making your house look appealing.

Then, ensure the landscaping is on point. Mow the lawns, remove the weeds, and sweep the porch. Make sure no garbage or recycling is visible from the front.

4. Define the Spare Room

Most homes have that one extra room that becomes a catch-all for junk. It ends up holding your luggage, old kids’ toys, and furniture without a home.

A key concept of staging is making each area have a purpose. This makes it easier for the buyer to picture themselves using each room.

Convert your extra room into a spare bedroom, office, or simply clear it out.

5. Use Local Elements

What is your neighborhood known for? If you’re in a city with unique elements and features, tie them into your staging.

For example, houses near a beach should incorporate that theme. Consider adding a beach sign, sand vase, or beach chairs out back.

If your house is in an urban city, consider decorating with neon lights or signs. Use artwork that highlights what makes your city great.

Interested in Learning More About Staging a House on a Budget?

Staging is a crucial component of selling your house. It allows buyers to envision living in your house. It also allows you to highlight its best selling features.

Luckily, you don’t have to break the bank staging. Use the tips above for staging a house on a budget.

Although staging is important, there’s more to making a great house sale. Learn more about expert house selling and marketing tips. Before you know it, that “for sale” sign will be gone!

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