for sale sign with house

Is Fixing Up a Home a Good Idea Before Selling?

If you plan on selling your current home, then you might be wondering if it’s worth it to fix it up or not. Maybe you only have a certain amount of money that you can spend on repairs, or maybe you’re not sure if you see that money after selling it. Time is another factor to keep in mind as you might only have so much time to get your house on the market and sold.

No matter what your specific obstacles might be, one thing is clear: you want to make as much money on the sale as possible. With that being said, is fixing up a house worth it for you? Each homeowner looking to sell their home has their own individual circumstances to take into consideration regarding their house for sale.

Although there’s no one answer that’s right for everyone, what we can tell you is that there are some repairs worth making more than others. Continue reading below on some of the most important repairs to make before selling your home to get the most out of your sale!

The Exterior

The exterior of the home is the first thing buyers will see when viewing your home. Much like curb appeal, the exterior of your home can either steer people away or bring them in. If you have a torn-up lawn, be sure to lay down new sod or have a landscaping crew come in to fix it up.

All junk or shed items should be removed or well organized in the shed. You don’t want buyers to see these items in the front or back yard. If your house has an older fence, be sure to make necessary repairs, such as replacing a missing board.

If you want to go the extra mile, you can even plant some flower beds near the door. The last, but also very important, thing to repair is the roof. Any missing shingles or moss growing on the roof should be taken care of.

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Unattractive Areas

Now that the exterior of your home is in good shape, it’s time to move onto the inside. The first thing that you’ll want to do is take notice of any unattractive areas in the home. Look for anything that’s a sore eye and jot it down as you complete a full inspection.

Many of these things will be easy fixes, worth doing if you want to sell your home quickly and for top dollar. For example, if you replace an old water heater, you might not get that money back in your pocket as it won’t impress buyers. If an inspector says it needs replacing, then that’s the time to replace it.

Otherwise, it’s better to focus on things that buyers will notice.

The Paint

Paint can go a long way when it comes to updating a home. It’s inexpensive and can transform an entire room. Sometimes, all it takes is a fresh coat of paint to make a home seem newly renovated.

Do keep in mind that when choosing your colors, you’ll want to stick with neutral or light shades. These are the colors that appeal most to buyers. It makes it easier for buyers to imagine their own style and design in the home.

Any rooms that have dark paint on the walls or old paint that’s worn should be repainted.

The Bathroom

Bathrooms in a home are a major selling point. They’re also a necessity, so a functioning bathroom is a must. If you have issues with any of your bathrooms, be sure to make those repairs before selling.

A leaking faucet, toilet, or another issue might cause buyers to turn their heads. If your bathroom toilets look outdated, you can consider replacing the toilet seats as this is inexpensive yet worth it.

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The Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home and will either sell the home or have buyers running. Most buyers are looking for a large kitchen with lots of counter space and brand new appliances. If your kitchen doesn’t meet all of these expectations, then it’s best to look into some of the best kitchen remodeling services near you.

The kitchen is one of the few rooms in the house that’s truly worth making upgrades in. However, this doesn’t mean you need to spend your entire budget on it. There are a few things that you can do to transform your kitchen on a budget such as replacing light fixtures, installing new countertops, applying fresh paint, and repainting old cabinets.

The Flooring

If your home has hardwood floors, then you’ll want to spend the time and money on refinishing them. This type of flooring is one of the more popular options as many homebuyers prefer it. If you can refinish your hardwood floors and get them looking brand new again, you’ll see a high return on investment.

If your home has carpet, consider either replacing the carpeting or having it cleaned professionally before selling the house.

Is Fixing Up a House Worth It for You?

Is fixing up a house worth the investment for your situation. Remember, these are just a few things to keep in mind when considering making repairs to your house for sale. Not everyone is in the same situation and what works best for one homeowner might not work best for another.

Always speak with your realtor about what repairs will be more worth it in the end for you.

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