Butterfly in a Garden

7 Ways to Makeover Your Garden and Add Value

First impressions are important. Your friends and family will make their first impressions on your home in less than 40 seconds. That’s why having a beautiful garden is a great starting point! 

That being said, if your garden is a little lackluster it might be time to makeover your garden. Simple techniques can add value and beauty to your space in no time at all. 

Let’s look at the 7 best ways to update your garden today! 

1. Get Things Tidy

One of the simplest things you can do is tidy up the garden. Just like your home, your garden can harbor unwanted clutter. Start by clearing any brush that has built up over time.

From there begin working on pulling all weeds and unwanted plants from the area. Once you have the space cleared of invasive weeds and flora you can appraise what needs to be done next. 

2. Add Some Color 

Pops of color are perfect for the garden. Adding trees and flowers that change seasonally is a great way to add color and dimension to a garden. Healthy full flowers and plants will bring life to the space and make it more welcoming for guests. 

When choosing flowers, keep in mind that you can buy flowers that are not only beautiful but functional as well. Flowers like lavender and chamomile are gorgeous and can help boost your mood. 

3. Create a Waterscape

Waterscapes create depth and promote tranquility in your garden. Whether it is a peaceful Koi pond or a relaxing waterfall surrounded by lush plants, waterscapes are a great addition to gardens.

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If you have an area that tends to have water build-up or a downspout in your garden area consider building a riverscape with river rocks. To achieve this look position the rocks in the area that the water will drain. Then when the water starts to flow it will have the appearance of a peaceful flowing river. 

4. Create a Dining Area 

Nothing beats dining al fresco on a summer night. Adding decking and a table and chairs will turn your garden into an outdoor oasis. In the area surrounding your dining area plant things like citronella and Rosemary to keep insects at bay.

For a bonus, create a small edible garden nearby. Planting things like basil, thyme, tomatoes, etc. means that you can source your dinner right from your garden.

5. Don’t Forget to Paint

A little paint can go a long way. If you have fences or sheds in your garden, a coat or two of paint can breathe life back into them. A fresh coat of paint is much less expensive than buying a brand new fence or shed!

6. Be Mindful of Maintenance

Lush gardens are beautiful but they can require a lot of upkeep. Be true to yourself and your schedule. If you don’t think you will have the time to upkeep your garden then choose shrubbery and plants that are low maintenance but still beautiful. 

7. Add Furniture

Think about the time you will be spending in your garden. If you enjoy hosting parties consider an outdoor sectional. If you want to utilize your garden as a peaceful sanctuary consider a cozy outdoor seating area with a firepit. Whatever you choose make sure it is durable for outdoors. 

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Makeover Your Garden Today

With these 7 simple tips, you will be able to makeover your garden in no time. A beautiful garden can change the atmosphere of your home. So, get your gloves on and get working today!

If you want to learn more tips for your home check out the rest of our site today!