Backyard Seating

The Great Outdoors: 5 Beautiful Backyard Seating Ideas

The hobby of gardening has boomed over the past few years. We even have one in three Americans growing their own food.

And yet, you don’t want to spend your whole time in your backyard working hard. You should also lay down and relax once in a while.

If your backyard is packed with bushes and flowerbeds, then you won’t have anywhere to sit down.

That’s why you need to take the time to enjoy your beautiful backyard with some backyard seating. Check out our ideas below!

1. Funky Themed Bench 

Many people have themed yards.

Do you have an underwater theme with ocean creature ornaments everywhere? What about a jungle atmosphere with bamboo surrounding your yard?

If you have a themed backyard, you should consider adding a bench to go along with your theme. This iron whale bench will match the seaside atmosphere.

2. Hang Your Seating

There is something especially relaxing about hanging seating in your backyard. There are few better ways to spend an afternoon than swinging in your hammock.

There are lots of creative ways to build a hanging seat. You don’t need to stick with the traditional hammock.

Why not hang a bubble chair from a beautiful oak tree in your garden? What about a cocooned seat that really wraps around you?

Hanging seats can be designed with a variety of different materials. You just need to explore the best options for your backyard.

3. Build a Bench in Your Wall

You could even get creative with an existing wall in your garden. If you have a low lying wall in your backyard, remove a few bricks to create a spot to sit.

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This probably isn’t the most comfortable way to spend an afternoon in the sun. But, as a place to briefly perch while you look around your yard, it’s super!

Just throw a couple of cushions on the brick bench to turn it into cozy heaven. You can decorate the space around the wall with plants to add some color to your new backyard seating.

4. Budget Pallet Seating 

Pallets are normally used for transporting goods. But, they also make for excellent seating for your backyard.

If you’re looking for seating on a shoestring budget, getting a few pallets and fixing them together can be a simple and fun solution.

There are many explainer videos on YouTube that can take you through the steps of creating your own seating area with a few simple materials.

5. Corner Your Seating 

The corner of your backyard is a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Construct your seating in a corner of your backyard by ceating a patio with flowers around the space. 

A built-in seating area can be really comfortable with the addition of cushions and blankets to make it perfect on a sunny day.

Ideas for Backyard Seating

It doesn’t matter how beautiful your backyard is. Unless you have some great backyard seating, you won’t be able truly enjoy it.

Did you find this blog post helpful and interesting? Check out our blog for many more ideas to make your home enjoyable!