Home Inspection Red Flags

5 Home Inspection Red Flags You Should Not Ignore

An important myth to debunk is that home inspectors will uncover everything that is wrong within a house.

Yes, they have special tools at their disposal but they can’t rip up floors or see through a wall to see everything. Their job is to inspect the home based on what is visible to them in a walk-through.

What should you look out for in a home inspection? Are there some problems that are more pressing than others? How do you know what is a red flag and what isn’t?

Keep reading to learn about the home inspection red flags that you should not ignore.

1. An Uneven Foundation

The foundation of a home is the support system for the rest of the house. Problems within the foundation can lead to many other issues within the home. If you come across a lack of alignment in any areas of the foundation, it should be addressed.

This can be the start of future issues and replacing or repairing a foundation can come at a high cost. It’s also time-consuming, labor-intensive work.

2. Lack of Ventilation

Bathrooms and areas of high moisture need fans and proper ventilation to prevent mold from building up. If you notice that the bathrooms don’t have any ventilation, this could be an indication of mold being present.

3. Heating and Cooling Issues

The HVAC unit in a home is like an engine in a car. It is difficult for the home to function properly if there are any issues with its ability to heat or cool. While these issues may not all be revealed in a home inspection, there are still steps that you can take.

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Hiring professionals to come out for a tune up allows them to check all of the components of the system and determine if there is anything keeping it from running at maximum efficiency.

4. Roof Issues

Roofing issues can be a nightmare.

No one wants to see water leaking into their ceiling or have to tear off shingles in the middle of winter to fix a leak. Finding out when the last time that the roof was replaced can be helpful. You should also have the inspector check the roof for any signs of visible damage.

5. Electrical Problems

As homes age, their electrical systems sometimes need to be updated. If you see loose wires or exposed areas along the walls, you should have the electrical systems checked.

Electrical malfunctions can cause issues like fires or power surges, resulting in major damage to the home. Checking that you have the right electrical setups for all of your appliances can help to maximize your electrical use and not overload the bandwidth.

Avoid These Home Inspection Red Flags

Now that you have read more about home inspection red flags, you can prepare for a home inspection today.

These are an extremely important part of the home buying process and reveal the true condition of a new home. Check out our website for more informational articles like this one.