door knobs

Down to the Door Knobs: How to Choose Unique Hardware for Your Home

How your door looks says a lot about the person living in the home. Some may want to give off a simple look, while others may want to be more elaborate or colorful.

No matter what your style is, you also have to remember one of the most important aspects of any door: the door knobs.

That’s right. The door handle that you pick could either make or break the design of your home. That being said, you’re going to want to pick out the perfect handle that showcases the best out of your door.

So how do you go about doing that? Well, it’s actually much easier than you might think. Keep reading to find out how to get the most out of your door handle.

You Can’t Pick Your Door Knobs Unless You Know Your Door

This may sound silly, but it’s the truth. Unless you know your door, you really shouldn’t go out to buy any knobs.

By “knowing your door”, we mean that you should know everything about its dimensions in order before you buy the knob.

Going into a store and saying you have a “standard” frame just doesn’t cut it. How high is the door? How thick is it? How many holes does it have? Does it need long hinge screws, brass head bolts, or Black Lag Bolts?

You need to make sure you know exactly what you’re working with before you even start your search.

Are You Getting a Door Handle or Lockset?

In case you don’t know this, door handles and locksets are two different things.

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Most people use them interchangeably, but the key difference is that a door handle is simply used to open a door, whereas a lockset can actually lock the door in place.

Use locksets in exclusive areas, such as the front door or the bathroom. For less private areas such as the pantry, use a door handle instead.

Know Your Finish

There are a ton of different finishes that you can get your handle in: nickel, brass, chrome, or matte, just to name a few.

While it’s important to showcase the door itself, remember that the knob should also match the entire room as well. This being the case, it’s important that you know what finish you’re going for.

Each finish gives off a different message to people about your home and about yourself. Make sure to browse through your options before you buy.

Real Estate Tips for Home Buyers and Sellers Alike

Now that you know what it takes to find the best door knobs for your door, you may want to learn some extra house tips to put your house in top condition. Luckily for you, I’ve got you covered.

At Bonnie Roberts Realty, you can check out all kinds of home buying, selling, and real estate topics. Read up on some of our advice for home sellers, as well as some ideas for home buyers, real estate investment, and much more.

Would you happen to have a question you’d like to ask? Please reach out to me and let me know what’s on your mind. I’d love to hear from you!

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