Renovated House

4 Outdoor Home Renovation Mistakes to Avoid for Sellers

Are you getting ready to sell your home?

You’ve probably thought a lot about changes and upgrades you need to make to your interior.

But have you thought about outdoor home renovation?

For example, maybe you need to take care of that crack in the driveway. Or perhaps some landscaping would boost your curb appeal.

Once you start planning everything you want to repair and/or add to your outdoor schematic, here are four common mistakes to avoid.

1. Forgetting to Pull Permits

The moment you realize that you want to do any outdoor renovation, you’ll need to go to your city or county clerk’s office and determine whether a permit is required.

Different cities and jurisdictions have different rules on what needs a permit and what doesn’t. For example, repaving your driveway may not require a permit, but putting in a small fountain might. And the town over may say it’s fine to paint your house, while your town wants you to file a permit.

Whatever the case, you don’t want to wait until you’ve started the project to find out you need a permit. Not only will the work have to be put on hold, but you may end up having to pay fines as well.

2. Deciding Too Quickly on a Contractor

You may be fortunate enough to have a trusted family member or friend who’s done work for you in the past. For the vast majority of people, this isn’t the case. And it can be tempting to just go for the first person who’s willing to do the job.

So be sure that you interview multiple contractors before settling on one. Your contractor needs to clearly understand what you want and should be willing to answer any questions you have about the whole process. The most affordable one may not be the best one.

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Ask for references and reach out to previous clients too. They will enlighten you on how it is to work with that person.

3. Not Checking for Proper Drainage

The tricky part of outdoor renovations is dealing with water.

If you’re going so far as to build and landscape an outdoor space, you need to be sure your land drains properly and your land has proper grading and irrigation. Otherwise, you could be looking at pooling water that will damage your structure or destroy your landscaping.

It’s important to hire a business like this yard drainage company that has the expertise and equipment to handle these issues.

4. Having Unrealistic Expectations

You’ve pulled permits, have your contractor(s), and your yard is all set. Everything should go smoothly from there, right?

The reality is, almost no home renovation is done on schedule. So be sure to create a realistic timeline that has wiggle room for errors and unexpected weather challenges. You’ll save yourself a lot of stress that way.

Considering an Outdoor Home Renovation?

To keep your outdoor home renovation moving as smoothly as possible, avoid the above four mistakes. Soon enough, you’ll have a home with killer curb appeal that’ll fly off the market!

And for other great tips and articles on all things real estate, keep checking back with us!