Tree Falls on Your House

This Is What to Do if a Tree Falls on Your House

The midwestern United states average about 15-20 windstorms per year. One of the greatest hazards of these storms is falling trees on homes.

But if you’re like most people, you haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about what you would do if this happened to you. That’s why we’ve put together this article.

So if it happens to you here’s a guide on what to do if a tree falls on your house. Keep reading to learn more.

Check For Downed Power Lines

A common hazard of fallen trees is that they may have taken down power lines with them. Fallen lines can cause power outages and are a safety risk to those in the area.

If you see that the fallen tree has disturbed any power lines then you should call 911 immediately and stay away from the area.

The appropriate electric company will be informed and they, in partnership with the fire department, can take care of that hazard.

Turn Off Your Gas Line

Gas lines are usually buried but the roots of a fallen tree may disturb or break those lines. Go to your gas meter and use the shut-off valve nearby. Call your gas provider and let them know that you have a fallen tree and ask if they can asses whether or not any damage was done to the underground lines.

Call 911 if Needed

You should call 911 if:

  • Anyone is critically injured
  • The tree fell on or broke a power line
  • You smell gas or smoke
  • The tree is blocking the street
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Police may be needed to help redirect traffic while the tree is removed. The fire department or city can help remove the tree from your home.

Call Your Homeowner’s Insurance Agent ASAP

Contact your homeowner’s insurance agent as soon as possible. They can direct you on how to appropriately document the incident and then provide you with directions on how to proceed.

Once you’ve made contact with your insurance agent, make sure to follow up by filing wind damage claims with a lawyer in order to get the maximum benefits and coverage.

Document the Incident

Document the incident as directed by your homeowner’s insurance agent. This may include taking photos or videos. They may also ask you to write down and make lists of anything that was damaged in the incident.

It’s important to be as thorough as possible to make sure that the insurance claim allows you to access all the benefits you need to repair your home.

What To Do If a Tree Falls on Your House

In the moments immediately following a tree falling incident it can be stressful and chaotic. Remember to keep calm and follow these directions for what to do if a tree falls on your house so that you and your family are safe.

Check out our blog for more homeowner tips today.