Energy Saving Tips

Top 10 Energy Saving Tips

The tension is palpable. You feel the sweat dripping down your neck as you work up the courage to look at it.

Your nemesis. The dreaded energy bill.

We understand your pain. Energy bills are notoriously high in winter, especially around the holidays.

To help you out, we’ve put together a list of great energy saving tips. These tips will ease the load on your electricity grid and your wallet!

1. Replace Traditional Bulbs

Replace traditional light bulbs with LEDs, CFLs, or halogen incandescent bulbs. These energy-efficient alternatives last longer and use up to 80% less electricity.

Reduce your lighting costs further by simply turning off the light when you are not in the room.

2. Use Smart Power Strips

Did you know electronics still consume electricity when turned off or in standby mode? These “Phantom Loads” account for around 10% of electricity bills.

Smart power strips solve this problem by shutting off the power supply to your devices when they are not in use. 

3. Seal Air Leaks

Plugging air leaks is a great way to save on heating bills.

Inspect the caulking and weather stripping around your windows and doors. Check your air ducts and heat pump for leaks too.

Your attic is also a big source of heat loss, as heat rises into this space and escapes through air gaps. Cover air gaps where you can and make sure your attic door or hatch is kept closed.

4. Check Furnace Filters

Dirty furnace filters slow airflow, making your furnace work harder to heat your home. Your filter should be changed every 3 months, at the start of each season.

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Check your filter regularly. If it looks dirty, clean it.

5. Make Your Water Heater More Energy Efficient

If you are looking to buy a new water heater, purchase an energy-efficient model. Insulating your existing water heater will also help with heating bills.

Insulate the heater body and the first few feet of pipes. This will stop valuable heat from escaping, keeping your water warmer for longer.

6. Insulate Your Home

Insulation helps your house to retain heat in the winter and stay cool in the summer. Your attic, walls, floors, basement, and crawlspace should all be well insulated.

Be sure to do your research before you buy any insulation, as the recommended type of insulation varies depending on where you live.

7. Clear the Area Around Your Vents

Placing furniture or decorations too close to your vents restricts airflow and prevents rooms from heating up or cooling down quickly. It also forces your heating system to work twice as hard, using more energy.

Clear the area around your vents to ensure proper airflow. Visit Linc Electric for more great ways to save on heating bills!

8. Install a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat controls the temperature of your home according to your schedule. It turns itself down when you’re away and heats the house back up to your preferred temperature just before you get home.

If you don’t have a smart thermostat, manually lower your thermostat by 5 to 10 degrees when you leave your house for long periods of time.

9. Run Full Dishwasher and Washing Machine Loads

Dishwashers and washing machines use a great deal of electricity. Avoid running these appliances until you have enough dishes and clothes for a full load.

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Turn off the “heated dry” function on your dishwasher and air-dry your dishes instead.

10. Install Energy-efficient Windows

Prevent heat loss through your windows by replacing single-pane windows with double-pane or even triple-pane windows.

If you experience extreme weather conditions where you live, consider installing storm windows. Storm windows are installed outside your existing windows and provide added wind and weather protection.  

These Energy Saving Tips Are Sure to Lower Your Costs!

After following these energy saving tips, you no longer have to dread opening your energy bills. Your home will be more environmentally friendly and cheaper to run!

Please browse through our other articles for more great tips for homeowners!