Sell a House Fast: 5 Last-Minute Home Upgrades That’ll Seal the Deal

Did you know the average home was on the market for 54 days in December? When you’re itching to move into a new home, a nearly 2-month wait can seem like a lifetime!

But never fear – there are lots of ways to sell a house fast. Maybe you’re in the market for some home renovation ideas. Or maybe it’s time to finish the home renovation project you started.

If you’re looking for a fast home sale, then check out our 5 last-minute upgrades that will get you that sold sign in no time.

1. Depersonalize Your House

One of the first and fastest home upgrades is to remove your personal stamp from your house. It can sound painful, but you want potential buyers to see themselves living there instead.

Remove all family photos, declutter rooms and tidy up bookcases. Make sure that every corner of your home is clean and tidy.

And you don’t want any confusion about what a room is used for. If it’s a bedroom, clear out the suitcases and storage boxes. Buyers need to know how much they’re getting, and whether there’s space for all their stuff.

2. Fresh Paint Inside and Out

Most home buyers want a place they can move into and make their own. While lime greens and hot pinks might be just your flavor, bold colors might put potential buyers off.


Give rooms a new lease of life with a fresh coat of paint. Go for neutral colors, as these will appeal to the majority. This easy home renovation project can be finished in a matter of hours but can be the key to a fast home sale.

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If the paint job on the outside of your house is showing signs of wear, flaking, or peeling, you’ll want to freshen it up. While repainting your house might seem like a lot of work, that’s what your buyers will think too. Do the work for them, and it’ll be one less thing for them to think about.

3. A New Front Door

Your front door makes a statement outside about what to expect inside. If your front door needs some TLC or isn’t sending out the right signals, it might be time for a new one.

Glazing companies like US Window & Door can install a new door in a just few hours, and home upgrades like these pack a punch.

4. New Windows

They say that windows are the eyes to the house, so make sure yours are looking bright, with a twinkle in them. There’s no need to change out all of them – just replacing the ones in disrepair will do the job. New windows will give your home an updated look and feel, and will attract buyers aplenty.

5. Landscape the Front (and Back)

New landscaping and planting is a surefire way to boost your home’s curb appeal and sell a house. For optimum results and the fastest sale, relandscaping all your outdoor areas is best. But if you’re on a budget, focus on the front.

The front of your house is like an introduction, and it makes an unconscious impression on buyers. A neat, tidy, and healthy front yard and driveway gives the impression of neat, tidy, and healthy occupants. And all those adjectives equal faster home selling potential.

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Sell a House Fast With These 5 Tips

How fast do you want to move into your new home? Our 5 tips will get potential buyers through your door in no time and will help sell a house fast.

Simple things like depersonalizing a home, giving it a lick of paint, and new doors and windows can breathe life into a house. And new planting and landscaping outdoors make a great impression on buyers.

Are you looking for more information on how to sell your home? Check out our advice for home sellers for more articles like this one.