Decluttering Tips: A Guide to Declutter Your Home for a Fast Sale

Around 86 percent of buyers opt for homes that have previous owners rather than new builds. This isn’t surprising since older homes far outnumber newer homes and they can be cheaper.

But it doesn’t mean that buyers are happy to throw down a hefty deposit on a house that doesn’t look cared for. They want to buy clean, tidy, and well-maintained houses as they are less likely to have issues down the line. So if your home looks like Dorothy’s house afterthe tornado hit, you’ll need some decluttering tips.

Decluttering your home could mean the difference between a long, drawn-out buying process and a quick sale. And these tips for decluttering your home will help get you started!

Invest in a Self-Storage Unit

Let’s face it, the best way to declutter your home to sell it is to get rid of most of your stuff. There are two ways you can do this. 

You can donate, recycle, sell, or throw away your belongings. Or, you can hire a van and move it into a temporary self-storage unit. One option will take you weeks and the other will take you a weekend.

If you do decide to go down the self-storage route, don’t forget to take out self storage insurance. This is like content or home insurance and it’s vital if you want to protect your finances.

Use Organizational Storage

Buyers might not look inside your sideboards and dressers because they know they aren’t part of the house sale. But if you have built-in kitchen cabinets and closets, buyers will look inside those.

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One of the best tips to declutter your home is to use these opportunities to your advantage. Get storage boxes of the appropriate size and shape to show prospective buyers how well they can organize their stuff in these closets. Take these steps to declutter your home one step further and put labels on each box too.

Don’t Forget About Your Yard

So many house sellers use decluttering tips only for their home’s interior. They forget about the exterior! Remove all paraphernalia from your outside spaces and dig up any dead bushes or trees.

If you have pets and/or kids, you likely have toys strewn everywhere outside. Buy a toy shed to store these in so buyers won’t see them during viewings.

Remove Anything Too Personal

As you follow these declutter tips, remember that you are not trying to get buyers to like you. You are only trying to entice them to buy your house.

Declutter any items that are too personal like family photos and your kids’ drawings. This will make it easier for buyers to imagine themselves in your house. You might also want to remove artwork or signage that is controversial or political to avoid putting off buyers.

Use These Decluttering Tips To Sell Your House Fast

It’s common knowledge that buyers prefer tidier houses so these decluttering tips will help you make your home more appealing. And the more appealing your home is, the quicker you will sell it and you may even snag a better price.

Want more advice on how to sell your house and buy a new one? Our website has tons of real estate tips and tricks to help you out!

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