Measuring Air Quality

How to Measure Air Quality: 4 Reasons Why It’s Important

Do you remember those 90s movies that depicted New York City? Everyone’s walking down the street, hustling, and bustling, and the area looked cloudy.

It’s possible that people were barbequing on their rooftops. But, the real reason the city looked like that was that the air quality was terrible.

Particles from air pollutants can get inside your home and disrupt your breathing environment. That’s why you’ll get some random coughing fits and weird smells at times.

So how do you get better air quality? One solution is learning how to measure air quality. Today we’ll be discussing four reasons why measuring air quality is essential to your wellbeing.

1. Mold Can Be In the Air

We’ve all experienced mold in some form or fashion. It may have been on your bread or some fruit in your fruit bowl. Once you saw it, you immediately threw it in the garbage.

However, when mold grows in your house, it’s not that easy to get rid of. You may clean it, but the spores it produces float around your home without you knowing.

Hire an HVAC company to conduct an air quality test for mold. They’ll be able to tell you where the mold is coming from and take care of the problem.

2. Watch Out For Carbon Monoxide (CO2)

Learning how to measure air quality can be challenging. Some pollutants, like carbon monoxide, won’t smell or induce any health side effects.

CO2 is a colorless gas that can be fatal if you’re exposed to it for too long. Ensure that you have carbon monoxide alarms in your home to alert you if the levels get too high.

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3. Fossil Fuels Create Harmful Emissions

Most homes get power from fossil fuels such as gas and electricity. But these can be harmful to our home’s air quality, especially if someone in our household has medical problems.

They release carbon dioxide, which isn’t fatal but can cause nausea, dizziness and be harmful to our lungs.

Try switching to a renewable energy source like solar power to help reduce your carbon footprint. You will create a better living area for your family.

4. Public Places Can Be Affected

Why is the air quality bad in public spaces? Thousands of people walk into these buildings every day. That can result in a change in air quality.

If you’re a business owner or a school principal, you want to have good air quality in your buildings. The premises need to remain suitable so the people inside can stay productive and avoid suffering from environmental side effects.

Learning How to Measure Air Quality Is Important

When you learn how to measure air quality, you can protect yourself and those around you. You’ll create healthier environments, which will reduce health side effects in the process. 

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