Home Electrical Repairs

5 Major Signs That Your Home Needs Electrical Repairs

Did you know that electrical failures or malfunctions were the second leading cause of home fires in the US? According to the NFPA, they accounted for 13 percent of house fires from 2012 to 2016. Electrical fires also had the highest share of civilian deaths and direct property damage.

And even if electric issues don’t cause a fire, electric shocks can cause death in unfortunate situations.

Needless to say, you can’t afford to ignore a malfunctioning electrical system in the home. Doing it yourself is not the best idea due to the risks involved. Calling an electrical repair service at the first sign of electric problems is your best course of action.

What are the signs that your home has busted home wiring or a faulty electrical system? Let’s look at some common indicators.

1. Hot Zones

If you’re inserting an electric plug into a socket and the outlet becomes warm to the touch, unplug it immediately! There may be a short circuit somewhere. One of its signs is excess heat generation due to the surge of current flowing through a wire.

Sockets and areas close to switches are typical hot zones. Should you discover any hot spot areas, have them looked at by a professional ASAP.

2. Call an Electrical Repair Service for Sparks and Burning Odor

Sparks are a serious fire hazard that warrants a prompt call to an experienced electrician. You usually see sparks coming out of outlets that are faulty or overloaded. Sparks mean that residual electricity is being stored in the socket or appliance.

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If you smell something burning, the situation is more serious, and you should cut off the power to the house right away. A burning odor indicates that the wires are burning, and an electrical fire is in progress or close to happening.

3. Malfunctioning Outlets or Switches

Without a doubt, if one of the switches or outlets doesn’t supply power, then there is an underlying problem. Loose wiring or short circuits are the common culprits. It’s best to leave tracing the source of the malfunction to the professionals.

4. Flickering Light Bulbs

Flickering lights suggest that you have a problem with the bulb, such as having the wrong type or not being screwed in tight enough. However, if you’ve ruled that out or you notice that it keeps happening whenever you plug something in, then there might be a bigger electrical issue.

It means that adequate electrical power isn’t reaching the lights. It could be due to an overloaded circuit, outdated wiring, or voltage fluctuations. It’s also possible that there’s a problem with the primary service connection.

5. Tripping Circuit Breakers

A circuit breaker is designed to trip if the system becomes overloaded. It’s a safety feature. That said, it’s not normal if your circuits are often tripping.

Frequent tripping of breakers signifies that there’s a problem with your panel or you have a wiring issue that’s causing overloads. Don’t force the breaker switch to stay on but instead call for an electrician immediately.

Electricity Can Light Up a Room or Burn It to Ashes

Electricity is wonderful, yes, but it can also hurt you if you’re not careful. Look out for these warning signs so you can request an electrical repair service as soon as you see one.

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