Apartment vs Townhouse

Apartment vs Townhouse: Which Is Right for You?

So you’re hunting for a new home. What are you going to choose? 

If you’re a renter (or a buyer who is tight on money), picking an apartment or townhouse might be the right option. This is a tough decision though! When it comes to an apartment vs townhouse, what’s right for you and your family?

We’re here to help you out. Keep reading to learn all about these property types so you can make the right decision.

What Is an Apartment?

When most people think of rental properties, they think of apartments. Apartments come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but for the most part, they’re the smallest type of rental unit available (and often the most affordable if you’re comparing equivalent spaces). They are multi-family homes.

Apartments can be very small or large. The smallest apartments are micro studio apartments which often don’t contain kitchens or bathrooms. They can fit a bed and perhaps a small desk and they’re best for people who are traveling or who are not often home. 

Studios are still only one main room, but also have spaces for kitchens and bathrooms. They’re also often affordable and great for single renters in large cities.

Beyond that, you have the standard living arrangements with one to multiple bedrooms and bathrooms. Apartments are flexible and common. Most of the time, rental management companies handle apartment rentals. 

You can also buy an apartment, but this is less common unless you’re a real estate investor. In large cities, owning apartments is more common because of the higher cost of housing. 

Apartments are smaller units within larger buildings. Sometimes they’re full apartment complexes. They may also be in standard houses that someone separated into individual homes. 

Pros and Cons of Living in an Apartment

So why would (or wouldn’t) someone decide to live in an apartment?

One of the advantages of living in an apartment is that you have a variety of other tenants nearby if that’s important to you. That may make you feel safer and some apartments have common areas so tenants can bond with each other. 

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If you rent an apartment instead of own it, you’re not responsible for maintaining the grounds or common areas. There’s someone to take care of landscaping and general cleanup outside of your unit. 

Apartments are often the most affordable options unless you opt for a luxury apartment. 

Apartments aren’t perfect, however. 

Some people don’t like the smaller spaces that most apartments offer. They may not like sharing all of their walls with other tenants or having upstairs and downstairs neighbors. Even if it’s unintentional, other tenants can be loud or disruptive (and you could be disruptive as well). 

If you live in an apartment, you might have to pay extra for parking or even have to park on the street. Many apartments have limited parking spaces.

What Is a Townhouse?

Townhouses are also housing options that someone could choose to either rent or buy. Many people don’t even consider townhouses when they’re choosing their homes, so they’re far less popular. That doesn’t make them less appealing. 

A townhouse is generally a multi-level home. Like apartments, they’re often considered multi-family homes but they resemble single-family homes on the inside. 

When you’re in a townhouse, you share a wall with at least one other home (and perhaps both walls). You may have an individual outdoor space or a shared outdoor space. You will not have tenants above or below you. 

A good townhouse builder will make sure that townhomes are as close as possible to “real homes” to make them a great option for any family or couple who needs a place to live.

Pros and Cons of Living in a Townhouse

So what would potentially persuade (or dissuade) someone from living in a townhouse over another type of home? 

As we mentioned, when you’re in a townhouse, all of the vertical space belongs to you. You won’t have upstairs or downstairs neighbors so you don’t have to worry about walking quietly (or having someone walk above you). 

Townhouses tend to have more space than comparable apartments. A two-bedroom townhouse is more like a “real house” than a two-bedroom apartment unless it’s a very ritzy apartment. 

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You get your own outdoor space or you share it with a small number of other people. You can place outdoor furniture and there’s room to play with a pet. Children will have a yard to play in most of the time.

Most townhouses also come with ample parking. They often have a driveway and a full garage, making them great for households with multiple vehicles (such as families with children). 

That said, you do still have to share one or two walls when you live in a townhouse. Even if you don’t own the townhouse, you’re responsible for taking care of yard work unless otherwise stated in your lease. 

Who Suits Each Property Type?

So when it to picking between an apartment or townhouse, who is better suited for either option?

Families with children will often fare better in townhouses than apartments. Because there’s more space to work with, you won’t feel too close together for comfort. 

If you’re someone who is downsizing from a “normal” house, a townhouse is an easier transition because it resembles a single-family home. People who are looking for a full-time house to rent or buy should consider a townhouse.

If you live in a big city, an apartment might be better for you. You can often find them in city centers close to public transportation. They’re great for single people or couples who don’t need all of the space that a townhouse provides. 

People who spend time between cities should also consider apartments. Micro apartments and studios are easy to maintain and affordable enough for people who travel a lot. 

Apartment vs Townhouse: Which Is Right for You?

So, apartment vs townhouse: what will you choose? Both of these housing options are great and more affordable than single-family homes. Whether you’re renting or buying, you can find the perfect apartment or townhouse to suit your needs.

Start finding your new home today!

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