Selling Your House

The Brief Guide That Makes Selling Your House a Simple Process

Saying goodbye to a home you love is never easy, but what makes it more stressful is when you know you have to leave and just can’t seem to sell the house. Luckily, there are different strategies to speed up this process.

There is a right way and a wrong way to sell your house, so what can you do to ensure it sells? Keep reading to learn simple steps to selling your house faster.

Hire a Real Estate Agent

When selling your house, no matter the selling strategy that you choose, it’s important to have a real estate agent on your side. Interview any potential real estate agents you are curious to work with.

Look for experience above all because you’ll want someone who knows the market well. You should also be able to communicate with this person easily.

Remove Clutter

A home looks smaller when big furniture is all over the place. You can rent a storage space for the time being to remove cluttered furniture that won’t be beneficial to have when selling your house.

Clear off countertops in the bathroom and kitchen and try to scale down what is inside your closet. These tips will make your home look like it has an ample amount of storage space.

Plus, decluttering first makes the cleaning process easier which brings us to our next step.

Clean the Home

Homeownership is a lot of work and just because you’re getting the home off of your hands doesn’t mean that the work stops.

Before putting the home on the market, you’ll want to deep clean it. You should also strive to keep it as clean as possible the entire time that it is on the market.

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If you don’t want to clean the home yourself, hire a professional cleaning company. The following are the most important places to clean before the buying/selling process begins:

  • Kitchen countertops
  • Inside appliances and cabinets
  • Floors and corners of the room
  • Shelves
  • Bathroom toilets, counters, showers, and tubs
  • Inside closets
  • Inside and outside of windows
  • Scuffed walls, baseboards, and doors
  • Basement and garage

If repairs need to be made, you’ll want to fix them before putting the home on the market to bring your home appraisal value up. If the out-of-pocket costs are too much, check out how to sell your house as a fixer-upper.

Stage the Home

A smart homeowner knows what makes their house sell, but a staging company can do an even better job. Along with staging the home, try to be flexible with showings, especially on the weekends.

Write a Killer Listing

A great listing has professional-looking photos, a great price, and all of the details possible about a home. The real estate agent you hire is often the person to go to when writing a listing.

Selling Your House Is Simple

There are various ways to go about selling your home, but the first step should always include hiring a real estate agent. If you feel troubled at any point in the process, you will have a professional who knows exactly what to do next.

When you follow these simple tips, you can expect your home to sell fast or at least within the average timeframe in your area. Selling your house is a long process, so get started now!

You may also like:   3 Ways a Real Estate Broker Can Help You Sell Your Home

For tips on finding a real estate agent or how to increase home value, check out our other posts within this same category.