Call an Emergency Plumber

5 Signs It’s Time to Call an Emergency Plumber Near Me

Do you have a slow-moving drain in your home? If so, that might not warrant a call to an emergency plumber.

You should be able to clear up a slow-moving drain on your own in most cases. All you’ll need is boiling-hot water, baking soda, and vinegar and you should be able to fix the problem in no time at all.

There are, however, some other instances in which you’ll want to Google “emergency plumber near me” as soon as possible so that you’re able to get immediate access to emergency plumbing services. You won’t want to wait a single second to get an emergency plumber on the phone when you run into one of these situations.

Today, we’re going to discuss a few signs that’ll show you that you need to get in touch with an emergency plumbing service right away. Check out five of them below and reach out to an emergency plumber for assistance if you ever spot any of them.

1. You Have a Leaky Plumbing Pipe

If you have a small leak in one of your home’s plumbing pipes, you might think that you can go on living with it without encountering any major issues. But it’s not going to take very long for a small leak in a plumbing pipe to turn into a big one.

With this in mind, you shouldn’t ignore any leaks in your plumbing system. The very first time that you notice a leak, you should Google “emergency plumber near me” right away and have an emergency plumber take a trip out to your home.

They’ll be able to set you up with the emergency plumbing services that you need to make your leak go away fast. This plumber repair will stop a leak from causing water damage, mold, and other potential problems.

2. You Have a Plumbing Pipe That Has Burst

If there is a portion of your home that isn’t insulated as well as it should be, it might get very cold in the wintertime. And when it does, it could lead to plumbing pipes in that part of your home freezing up on you and eventually bursting.

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When a plumbing pipe bursts, it’s obviously going to leave a huge mess behind. It’s also going to result in a drop in your home’s water pressure and make it impossible for you to use your plumbing system like usual.

As a result, you’ll need to have an emergency plumbing service come out and assess the situation. They’ll typically have to replace the plumbing pipe that burst with a new one to get your plumbing system back up and running again.

3. You Have a Toilet That Won’t Stop Overflowing

No matter how careful you are about what you flush down the toilets in your home, you will eventually have at least one toilet get clogged up on you. Fortunately, it should be simple enough to unclog a toilet without too much effort on your part.

But if you aren’t able to unclog a toilet on your own, there is a chance that it might start to overflow and continue to overflow until you have an emergency plumber visit your home to take a look at it. In the meantime, you should turn the water for your toilet off and try to clean up any mess that it has made.

4. You Have a Backed-Up Sewer Line

A backed-up sewer line is pretty much one of the worst possible problems that you can have as a homeowner. There is nothing worse than having raw sewage back up into your home because of a clog in your sewer line.

This is a very obvious sign that you’re going to need to secure emergency plumbing services as quickly as you can. You aren’t going to be able to live in a home with a backed-up sewer line for very long at all.

Hopefully, an emergency plumber will be able to clear your backed-up sewer line in a hurry and get it working like it’s supposed to again. But you might have to go as far as to replace your sewer line if the situation has gotten out of hand.

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Whatever the case, you shouldn’t ever hesitate to call on an emergency plumber for help when you’re having sewer line problems. It’ll help you to make the most of what will no doubt be a horrible situation from start to finish.

5. You Have a Busted Hot Water Heater

The average hot water heater is only going to last for right around a decade before giving out on you. So if yours is anywhere close to that old, you should begin to prepare to replace it.

You should also spring into action right away if your hot water heater gives out on you at any moment. A busted hot water heater might send water spilling out everywhere and cause a big mess in your home.

A busted hot water heater is also going to stop delivering the hot water that you need throughout your home. You won’t be able to live with just cold water for very long.

An emergency plumber can rip out your old hot water heater for you and put a new one in its place. They’ll have hot water circulating throughout your home again within just a few hours at most.

Google “Emergency Plumber Near Me” ASAP If You See Any of These Signs

If you see any of the five signs that we just mentioned, you’re going to need to begin working with an emergency plumber right away. You can find one in your area by Googling “emergency plumber near me.”

Just make sure that you select the best emergency plumber that you can find. They’ll be able to deliver the emergency plumbing repair services that you need to stop a bad situation from getting any worse than it already is.

Get more plumbing-related tips and tricks by reading through the rest of the home improvement articles found on our blog.