
How to Make Your Apartment Feel More Like a Cozy Home

Did you know that forty million apartment renters are living in multi-family buildings? There are a lot of benefits that come from living in an apartment, like greater freedom to move, better access to stores, and more affordable housing.

However, there are often some drawbacks too. Many new apartment renters complain that their apartments feel too sterile. The good news is that this issue is usually quite fixable. So, how do you go about making your apartment feel cozier?

Simple: by reading this article. In it, we’ll walk you through some helpful tips to make your apartment feel more like home. That way, you can start feeling at peace as soon as you enter your new space. Let’s get started!

Think About the Lights in Your Apartment

As an interior decorator knows, the lights in an apartment can make or break an apartment. And, while natural light is great, the reality is that a lot of apartments don’t have access to it.

So, make your lights! Invest in some light sources that you love. This can be traditional lamps or light fixtures.

Or, you can think outside the box. Christmas lights or similar hang-up lights look great in many spaces year-round. Plus, they add an undeniably cozy vibe to any room.

Purchase New Furniture (If You Can Afford It)

New furniture is a great way to liven up any space. Unfortunately, it can also be quite expensive for the average person. This is especially true if you shop for new furniture. So, what should you do if you’re on a budget?

We recommend starting at any thrift shop in the area. Odds are you might find an inexpensive secondhand piece that goes great with your apartment’s style. You can also try going on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist.

Many people that move offer their furniture for free as long as you can come to pick it up.

Finally, if you’re broke, then consider some DIY furniture solutions. Make a nightstand out of an old wooden electrical spool. Or, stack milk crates for storage. There are plenty of creative solutions on the internet.

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Switch Up Your Placement of Objects

Consider changing up the placement of things. You’d be surprised how it can change the feel of a room. You can start with different furniture configurations. Try to create zones in each room to maximize space.

Also, try shifting around an object in a room. Instead of putting your books in a bookcase, try stacking them with their paper side out.

Hang Up Artwork and Sentimental Objects

Now, it’s time to move on to those blank walls. Blank walls aren’t always a bad thing. When used effectively they can create a minimalist vibe that accents a modern room. But, odds are that you probably aren’t going for that.

So, consider hanging some art, or special objects, on the wall of your room. Also, a note about the artwork. Many first-time apartment renters often feel the need to impress by purchasing generic, mass-produced art from home decor stores.

Don’t get us wrong, there’s nothing wrong with this type of art if you love how it looks. But, don’t purchase stuff just because you think you should like it. Instead, look for art or wall decor that you like.

It should reflect your interests. For example, if you love a certain movie, then search for posters. And, it doesn’t just need to be an artwork that you can buy in a store. Get creative and hang up certain mementos.

Letters from friends, pictures, comic books, whatever brings up pleasant memories. If the item is small, then we recommend grouping it with other smaller ones to create little blocks of artwork.

Purchase Some Plants

Plants add life to any room that you put them in. The oxygen they release makes the air feel fresher and their bright green appearance can make a space feel vibrant.

Indeed, in the middle of winter, a room for plants can help combat any seasonal affective disorder that you might be going through. Unfortunately, plants aren’t for everyone.

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If you don’t have the time or patience to learn about them, then it’s easy to unintentionally kill them by giving them too much light or water (or not enough). The good news is that there are a lot of species of plants that are pretty hard to kill.

We recommend starting with these types. Then, if it works out you can move on to more picky plants. Before you know it you’ll have a whole collection going and your room will feel like a forest.

Move Apartments

Sadly, sometimes there are no amount of improvements that can make an apartment feel cozier. This is especially true for older apartments that are actively breaking down. After all, it’s hard to feel cozy when your ceiling is leaking.

So, if you fall in this category, then it might be time to change apartments. If you’re looking for cities with lots of access to good apartments, then consider moving to Charlotte, North Caroline.

Not only is the average rent fairly low, but there are no shortages of gorgeous apartments to choose from. As such, it’s a great city for renters to live in you need a suggestion.

Want More Content? Keep Reading

We hope this article helped you learn how to make your apartment feel more like a cozy home. It’s important to remember that cozy doesn’t mean the same for everyone. For some people, it might be all about lighting.

For others, it could be all about the wall and shelf decor. So, find out what’s important to you when it comes to space decoration and focus on it. That way, you get a personalized space that feels cozy to you.

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