Apartment Moving

The Only Moving Into a New Apartment Checklist You Need

If you’re about to move into an apartment, things can become hectic. It’s crucial to stay organized and create a moving into a new apartment checklist.

A checklist ensures that you don’t forget anything essential. 

To help you through this process, here is a moving checklist of everything you’ll need when moving into a new apartment. 

1. Mattress

One of the first purchases you should make for your new apartment is a mattress. A mattress is an essential item you’ll want the first night you move into your place. Mattresses make a huge difference in sleep quality

The last thing you want to do is sleep on the floor in your new place. 

Beyond the mattress, consider purchasing other bedroom essentials, including a mattress topper, pillows, and other bedding.

2. Home Toolkit 

Another thing you’ll want to add to your checklist is a toolkit. During the move-in process, you’re going to be hanging up shelves, putting together bookcases, and hanging photos. 

You’ll need a toolkit to help complete these tasks. Consider including screwdrivers, nails, hammers, wall hooks, batteries, and extension cords in your toolkit.

3. Bathroom Essentials 

The next thing to add to your checklist is your bathroom essentials. This includes shower curtains, shower liners, soap, towels, and toilet paper. 

These are items that can be forgotten when you first get to a new apartment, but you’ll need them as soon as you go to the restroom. 

4. Kitchen Essentials 

Though you may plan on eating out initially, you’ll need to buy kitchen supplies to cook any meals. You’ll need plates, cups, and silverware, as well as pots and pans. 

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In addition to these items, consider adding a toaster, a microwave, a blender, and a coffee maker to your list.

5. Cleaning Items 

As you move in, you may find some dust and dirt. It’s helpful to have cleaning supplies on hand to clean these areas. A vacuum, in particular, is a handy item to clean the dust off the floor right away.

Swiffers, multi-surface cleaners, toilet scrubbers, dishwasher soap, and paper towels are other items that belong on your new apartment checklist. 

6. Living Space Furniture 

After you’re supplied with these items, you should begin working on your living space furniture. This includes any couches, coffee tables, and storage areas, you’ll want in your living room. 

Don’t overlook your living room furniture. These items make a huge difference in making your apartment cozy. To make it easier, consider choosing a moving company in your area to help with your furniture. 

7. Entertainment and Decor

Lastly, add items of entertainment and decor to your checklist. Entertainment items include televisions, cable sets, and streaming devices.

Decorative items such as pictures, plants, lighting should be next on your checklist. These items will be the final touches on your new apartment.

Now You Know What Items to Put On Your Moving Into a New Apartment Checklist 

These are all items you should consider adding to your moving into a new apartment checklist. Consider moving through this checklist in chronological order to rank the things most needed in your new place. 

So, what are you waiting for? Create your moving checklist today!

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