Home Pool

How Much Value Does a Pool Add to a Home?

When it comes to owning a backyard swimming pool, are you ready to take the plunge? Swimming pools can provide years of fun and relaxation in the summer, but they can also add value to your home.

Are you wondering how much value does a pool add to a home? It’s something to think about before building a pool, as you want to be sure your expensive investment will pay off.

To learn more, keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the value of swimming pools and your home.

How Much Value Does a Pool Add to a Home?

If you’re wondering about the return on investment for pools, you’re not alone—it’s something many homeowners think about before building a pool.

Generally, it’s estimated that having a pool can add 5-8% value to your home. So, if your home is worth $500,000, a new inground pool may add around $25,000 to $40,000 to the value of your home.

The nicer the pool is, the more value it can add. Your pool should be structurally sound, clean, well-maintained, and should have a secure fence around the perimeter.

Also, if you live in a hot climate, like Florida or Arizona, you may find that homeowners are only looking to buy properties with pools, which can increase value. 

Inground or Above Ground?

It can be tempting to save money by installing an above ground pool, at a fraction of the cost of an inground pool. However, above ground pools sadly don’t add any value to a property.

Your pool needs to be an inground pool for it to add value to the property. You’ll also want to make sure it’s installed correctly, so always check the reviews before hiring a pool contractor.

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Other Pool Cost Considerations?

Now you know that a pool can add immense value to your home, but you’ll also need to budget for pool maintenance costs, which can cut into your profits.

First, you’ll want to budget for annual pool maintenance. Some homeowners outsource this to pool cleaning companies, but you can save money by doing it yourself.

You’ll need chemicals, a pool filtration system and vacuum, and a bit of time each week to dedicate to pool cleaning and maintenance.

If you want to use your pool in cooler weather, heating costs are also something to think about.

Lastly, homeowner’s insurance can sometimes be more expensive with a pool, as pools are considered a liability.

Find a Pool Installation Company to Get Started

You can now answer the question, ‘how much value does a pool add to a home?’. So, if you’re ready to add value to your home, and enjoy a pool in the interim, then now is the perfect time to install a backyard pool.

Start looking for swimming pool companies in your area and find someone who can work with your budget and design the exact type of pool you have in mind.

Before you know it, it’ll be time to jump in!

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