how do i sell my house

How Do I Sell My House Fast? 8 Tips That Really Work

Are you looking to sell your home? Do you need to sell quickly? It may be easier than you think.

Selling your home is a big decision and one that you should give careful consideration to. You don’t want to give your home away, but if a potential buyer can sense desperation they will use it to their advantage.

If you’re asking how do I sell my house, then you need to sit down with a licensed realtor to discuss your options. The realtor will be able to tell you if it’s a buyer or seller’s market. It’s important to know the difference because it could impact your ability to secure the highest offer possible.

Before you put your house on the market, read these eight tips that can help you sell quickly.

1. Improve Your Curb Appeal

What does your home look like to the average person driving by? Is it the jewel of the neighborhood or the eyesore everyone hates?

To sell your house quick, you will need to spruce up the exterior of your home.

Start with the lawn by mowing it often. Trim shrubs and edge around walkways. Invest a few dollars in annuals to spruce up flowerbeds.

You may also want to invest in a power wash service to clean the exterior walls and windows. Touch up peeling paint and repair cracked stucco. Removing old patio furniture, junk cars, and other garbage will help sell a house fast.

2. Rid the Home of Things You No Longer Need

Once you decide to sell your home also decide to rid it of clutter. Homebuyers are often turned off by homes that look messy. It can be overwhelming and hinders their ability to envision their future in the space.

Consider hosting a yard sale, donating what you no longer need to charity, or invest in a storage unit.

Take down your personal pictures and clear off bookshelves and other places where you display pictures and knick-knacks. Keep in mind that when people are home shopping they will look in closets, behind doors and more. If you don’t want it seen, then don’t leave it in the home.

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As you begin to declutter you may realize that your home is in desperate need of a deep cleaning. If you paint walls use white or other neutral colors.

3. Stage the Home

The next step after cleaning your house is to stage it. Hopefully, your own furniture is in good condition. You don’t want to bear the expense of renting furniture to stage your house.

For bedrooms always have the beds made with clean linen. Store clothing and shoes in a closet. Place jewelry and importance documents in a safe place.

For the kitchen and bathrooms, make sure the counters, sinks, and showers are clean and clutter-free. Consider lighting candles with season appropriate scents.

4. Create a Zillow Page

Social sites like Trulia and Zillow are a great place to market when you decide to sell your house. The listings are free and expose your property to wide-array of people looking to buy a home in your area.

The sites also offer information on the homes prior sales history and tax information. It also shows comparable sales and offerings in the area.

Setting up your page is quick and easy. It also allows for a photo album that details every aspect of the property, both inside and out. Be sure to spotlight what you consider to be the best features of the house.

5. Host an Open House

You don’t need a realtor to host an open house. Plan your own, but before you do keep a few things in mind. You only get one chance to make a good first impression and you need to know the key selling points of your home and neighborhood.

To prepare for your open house get signs you can place on major streets leading into your neighborhood. Tell others about the open house by telling friends, passing out flyers and posting on social media.

On the day of the open house have fact sheets you can give to visitors. It is also an added touch to have appetizers and beverages available.

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6. Share information Social Media

Your home’s new order is probably on social media. So why not use your platforms to reach more people. Individual pages cannot run ads, but you can post pictures, videos, and flyers letting people know you are trying to sell your house.

Use Facebook’s event feature to promote your upcoming open house. You can send invitations to everyone on your friend’s list and ask them to invite their connections.

You never know who knows who. Your buyer can be one click away, so prepare yourself to answer questions and offer to do private showings.

7. Ask Recent Home Sellers How Do I Sell My House

The best references you have to sell a house are the experiences of someone who just had the experience. Good or bad there is a wealth of knowledge that can come from a simple conversation.

Their insights could be the one thing that can move you from waiting to sold!

8. Consider Selling to an Investor

If you’ve tried everything and your house still hasn’t sold, consider selling your house to an investor. Companies like We Buy Any House will cash for your home and if there is an outstanding mortgage they will pay the bank directly.

Don’t allow yourself to become burdened by your property. You may even be able to walk away with cash in your own pocket. Homes in areas that are low in inventory may give you some negotiating room.

We Hope You Found these Tips Beneficial

By now you should have all the answers to your question of how do I sell my house? If you try half of these things you should be closing in no time.

Additional questions may arise or you could be looking for a realtor. Click here to contact our office and we’ll bet back to you as soon as possible.