house with for sale sign

First Time Home Buyer Beware: What to Look For When Buying a House

According to the National Association of Realtors, 35% of homes that are sold go to new homeowners. Becoming a homeowner for the first time is exciting and scary at the same time. It’s a big step to make, and a lot of mistakes can be made in the process.

Many first-time home buyers don’t think to look into specific details of a home before buying it. But once they move in and start seeing things that are wrong with the home, they realize what they overlooked and how much it’ll cost them.

This is why it’s important to know exactly what to look for when buying a house. You can simply buy a home based on location or general appearance, you need to look deeper than that. Here’s what you should look for in a home.

Look Closely at the Roof

One thing that’s easy to overlook when viewing a home is the roof. Take a few minutes to really inspect the roof and look for any signs of decay or breakage.

A bad roof doesn’t need to be a deal breaker, but if it’s severely damaged you will end up spending a ton of money on repairs. By inspecting the roof you can determine whether it needs repairs and if you would be willing to pay for them.

Notice the Smell of the Home

If you go to a home viewing and are overwhelmed by fake scents of baked cookies or flowers, the realtor may be attempting to cover up the bad smell of the house.

This is not something that should be overlooked because it could be a sign of a serious problem. Try to get to a place in the house that isn’t flooded with the artificial smell and get a good whiff of what the home really smells like.

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If you smell sewage, gas, cigarette smoke, or anything else unpleasant, consider how much worse it’ll be without the scent of baked cookies to cover it up.

Look for a Solid Foundation

It’s easy to find homes that appeal to our tastes. But just because a home looks nice, doesn’t mean you should jump on board and buy it.

A lot of cute older homes are actually project homes because of their poor foundation. This means you’ll be spending a lot of money on repairs and remodeling.

Look for a solid foundation by touching everything in the home. Knock on the walls, touch all the sinks, look closely at the floors, and just spend a lot of time in the house. You’ll really start to get a feel for the backbone of the home.

Determine Deal Breakers

Before you start your house hunting, it’s important to determine what your deal breakers are. For example, if a home has signs of mold, that would be a deal breaker. Or if a home’s plumbing looks old and unstable, that could be another deal breaker.

It’s important to stick by these deal breakers even if you otherwise love a home. These issues will cause you major stress and a ton of money down the line.

Knowing What to Look for When Buying a House is Important

Buying your first home is a big step, but it’s important to not get overly excited before doing your due diligence on the home. Otherwise, you’ll end up spending a ton of money on repairs that you weren’t planning on.

By knowing what to look for when buying a house, you’ll end up in a home that will last you a lifetime. For more tips on buying a home, check out our other blogs today!

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