patio with rocker and end table

Staged to Sell: How to Decorate a Home with a Patio to Attract Buyers

Are you looking to sell your home quickly? If so, you should make sure that it’s staged before you put it on the market.

Homes that are staged to sell don’t last very long on the market. According to a survey from the Real Estate Staging Association, the average staged home spends four months on the market compared to six months for the average non-staged home.

Staging a home isn’t just for the inside. Keep reading to learn about how you can make sure your outdoor space is staged to sell.

Create a Patio That’s Staged to Sell

A lot of homeowners stage the inside of their homes, but the outside is just as important. If you’re lucky enough to have a great patio or outdoor space, that can add a lot of value to your home. Make sure you highlight it with great outdoor furniture, so potential buyers can see themselves enjoying the space.

If you’re not sure how to get started, here are five ways to create a patio that’s staged to sell:

1. Clean Everything

A dirty and moldy deck or patio is going to be a turnoff for potential buyers. Before you even start the staging process, make sure your patio is sparkling.

Remove furniture from your deck and use a power washer to make it look new. You can have a professional power wash your deck or rent one yourself from a store like Home Depot. This minimal investment will have a big return when buyers think your deck is brand new.

2. Take Care of Landscaping

After you’ve put the effort in to make your patio look nice, do the same for your lawn and landscaping as well. Make sure your lawn is freshly mowed and that there aren’t weeds or dead plants taking over your yard.

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3. Avoid Clutter

Clutter is unnecessary and it can make your backyard and patio feel smaller than it is. Remove any accessories, children’s toys, furniture, or lawn equipment that you don’t use. If you don’t have a garage or storage shed to put things in, make sure they’re organized so the area still looks attractive to buyers.

4. Remove Personal Touches

Staging a home is all about giving it a model-home appearance, where any buyer could see themselves living there. Remove any personal accessories or personal touches you’ve added to your back yard or patio.

5. Update Your Furniture

Once you’re ready to state with furniture, make sure the patio furniture you have is updated. Old or broken patio furniture won’t be appealing to potential buyers.

Patio furniture is a good investment because it’s something you can take with you to your next home. Check out an online retailer that has a lot of different styles and brands, such as Patios USA.

Learn More About Selling Homes Quickly

Making sure your home is staged to sell both inside and out is just one way to get it sold quickly. There are plenty of other ways to boost the value of your home and get off the market.

Check out the rest of our website for more helpful tricks on staging your home and getting it ready to sell. This article on updating your garage to add value to your home is a great place to get started.