How to Keep Your House Cool in the Summer

In 2020, the average residential electric bill in America was $117.46. This number climbs during the warmer summer months.

To keep your electric bill down, you need to learn how to keep your house cool in the summer in other ways than just your AC unit. Learning to cool your home is essential for not only saving money but also keeping you and your family comfortable

Here are a few things you can do to reduce heat inside the house this summer.

1. Complete Routine AC Maintenance

The first step to keeping your home cool is to ensure that your HVAC system is working properly. Chances are you will still need to run your air conditioner, so you need to make sure it is ready to cool your home.

You can start by scheduling a routine maintenance check before summer begins. This is where you can get a professional opinion on your air conditioning unit.

It is also essential to look out for the signs that your central air is not working. If you notice any of these signs, then you will need to call your local HVAC company.

2. Close the Blinds

One of the best ways to keep your home on the cooler side is to close your blinds or curtains. Closing the blinds can help keep direct sunlight out of your home and will therefore prevent you from turning up the air conditioner.

If you prefer to keep your blinds open, then you may want to consider installing a solar film. This allows you to keep your shades open while also blocking the harsh ultraviolet rays that heat your home up quickly.

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3. Install Ceiling Fans

The more ceiling fans, the better. Ceiling fans help to get the air moving in your home. The simple movement of air can make your home colder. Make sure your fans are running counterclockwise, as this draws the cooler air up into your room.

4. Consider Cooking Outside

Cooking for long periods of time in your home can quickly increase the temperature. Ovens produce an extreme amount of heat that can make your home hotter. 

If the weather is nice, you may want to consider cooking your food outside on the grill. If you can’t cook outside, then make it a priority to prepare meals that don’t require the use of the oven.

5. Buy Cotton Fabrics

Cotton is easily the most breathable fabric around today. This means that it is able to transfer moisture through the material and into the outside air.

Wearing clothes that are 100% cotton is a great way to keep yourself cool even when your house is warm. You can also invest in cotton sheets to keep you comfortable at night.

That’s How to Keep Your House Cool in the Summer

All in all, learning how to keep your house cool in the summer is easier than you may think. If you know how to cool your home, then you will be more comfortable and also save money on electric costs. A few simple changes can keep you cool all summer long.

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