how to pay for home renovation

How to Pay for Home Renovation: 3 Handy Ideas to Consider

You know that paying for a home renovation can quickly become a very expensive process. Remodeling is something that takes time and a lot of money, and the latter can easily drain your bank account if you aren’t careful.

But what if we told you that we knew tips on how to pay for home renovation without having to utterly destroy your wallet?

Sounds pretty tempting, right? Well, we definitely have some good news you’ll like to hear.

How to Pay for Home Renovation: The Secrets Revealed

You’re about to learn some nifty tricks that you can use to give you the house renovation of your dreams without the nightmarish cost. Keep reading to find out more.

Use a Major Credit Card

You may not have thought of this, but using a credit card is actually a pretty savvy idea, depending on the project.

Using a major credit card to finance the renovation is smart when you’re using it for small projects like bathroom remodeling or placing new floorboards down.

The advantage is that it doesn’t come with paperwork, and most major credit card companies offer a ton of benefits in the user’s favor (especially if you just got the card).

If this situation sounds like you, then you should totally use the card.

Get a Store Credit Card

“What? They offer credit cards at home improvement stores?”

Why yes. Yes, they do.

Getting a store credit card from a home improvement store may possibly the best way to pay for your home remodel and for a number of good reasons.

First of all, the home improvement credit card tends to have a higher limit than most general credit cards can offer. You’ll need that limit for the bigger projects you plan to tackle.

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Secondly, you can get specific in-store deals on particular items. Depending on the store and the deals offered at the time, this could be a big help to you.

Finally, most store cards from home improvement stores offer payback perks, like 6 months with zero interest on your purchases.

If these deals don’t make you jump, we don’t know what will.

Zero-Intrest Home Remodeling Loans

Ah, the dreaded loan. Except for this time, it’s actually not a bad idea to choose from, thanks to lending programs such as the Home Improvement Programme, or HIP.

The HIP program works by having the county pay for some or all of the subsidies of your home renovation loan on your behalf in order to preserve the local housing stock.

In other words, you would only have to pay from the loan itself, which could easily save you thousands of dollars.

If your project requires some major changes, then this is the way to go.

No matter which direction you take, having good credit–and by extent, a credit card with good rates–is the most important part in all of this. Make sure to check out the best credit card rates out there so you can continue to save on your housing project.

The Way to Go for All Your Remodeling Needs

Now that you know how to pay for home renovation without breaking the bank, you need to know where to go to get your renovation done right. Thankfully, you don’t have to look any further.

At Kukun, we make it our job to link you to the remodeling connections you need to make your place look amazing. We offer estimates on any room in your house, as well as helping you find professionals for each aspect of the home.

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You can even apply to get a housing loan through us–and that’s something you don’t want to turn down.

Have any questions you’d like for us to know about? We’d be happy to hear them. Just reach out to us and we’ll be sure to give you the answers you need.

Come check us out. We look forward to having you here.